Chapter Twenty- Two

Start from the beginning

I shut the cabinet close and moved back to breathe. My phone rang but I ignored it.

Why can't I just be happy? Why does all this have to happen to just one person?

I began to cry as I reached back for the cabinet, pulled it open and took the bottle. I twisted off the white cap and took one pill. I swallowed it and put the bottle back.

I lifted my phone and saw that Dom was the one trying to call me. Oh no. Dom. I couldn't do this to him!

"What have I done?" I was horrified by my actions. I went to the cabinet and grabbed the prescription bottle and dumped all the pills into the sink. I twisted the tap open and left the water to flow. Wash it all away!

I ran into the bathroom and rammed my finger down my throat.

Get it out! Get it out! My mind kept repeating till I retched and emptied the contents of my stomach. I just kept throwing up because I was sickened by my loss of control and how I just betrayed Dom. I heard someone turn off the tap and then come running towards the bathroom. I had not heard the person come into the house.

No! Not dad!

"Kerry, what did you do?!" I heard Sumaya cry out as she knelt by me.

I was weakened by all the throwing up that I could not move. "I betrayed you. I betrayed him. I had to get it out" I sobbed, "I got it out"

Sumaya hugged me, crying. "You promised. You promised"

We just sat on the bathroom tile holding onto each other and crying.


Sumaya and I eventually got up from the bathroom floor. I could not bring myself to look at her. The guilt and shame that plagued my whole being would not let me.

I cleaned up after myself and went into the kitchen to clean up the mess of pills I left in the sink.

Then I saw Almara, arms crossed standing by the sink. I froze at the kitchen door.

"Don't worry. I cleaned it up. Left no trace" she said slowly.

I did not know what to say or do. Do I dare deny it? Had she been here this whole time? She must have heard Sumaya and I in the guest bathroom downstairs. Did she?

Sumaya came up behind me and pushed me gently into the kitchen.

"Kerry, I think it's time we three had a talk" Almara gestured that I come closer. I could not look at Sumaya. I took a few steps forward.

"Your step mum is going to notice a whole bottle of pills is gone, sooner or later. There are two options. You can tell your family the truth and get help or your sister and I can commit a crime and refill that bottle without a prescription. If she is caught, she loses her medical license. It's up to you, choose now"

I looked at Almara. She was not looking at me with judgmental eyes nor was she looking at me as an enemy. She actually looked at me like... a friend.

"Your father arrives in less than twenty minutes. Don't make us choose for you" she continued after I said nothing.

"If I tell them, I will lose them. I can't let Sumaya take that risk for me either"

"They will be disappointed at first but they will respect you for coming clean, for seeking their support as you get some help" Almara assured me.

"I'll tell them" tears begun to pool at my eyes, I turned to Sumaya, "I am so sorry"

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