Chapter Sixteen

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"Tis the season to be jolly!" Sumaya exclaimed sarcastically as we unpacked boxes in our new apartment.

By the end of November my dad and our mothers had so kindly purchased an apartment leaving Sumaya and I one fifth of the total price each to pay. They called it our Christmas gift.

I was excited not only to be a homeowner but also because I was no longer under my parents' roof. Yay! Independence!

However I had to agree with Sumaya's sarcasm. My boyfriend was going to spend the holidays in South Africa with his dad. Our first real holiday apart.

We had come far since the signing of the Work Couple agreement after that eventful weekend. We were going out in public and it was weird at first having other women look at me with such envy. Dom of course was oblivious to the deadly glares I was getting as well as the women who so blatantly flirted with him in front of me.

It was even weirder at the office because we were maintaining strictly professional interactions as everyone else watched our every move. Like that one time the intern came to the top floor and Dom was by my desk simply asking where Paba was. The poor girl hopped back on the elevator and apologized profusely for interrupting. Interrupting what?

We had one big mouthed HR guy to thank for that. He had put two and two together after seeing Dom and I with our respective lawyers emerge from the HR manager's office. He then caught a glimpse of the contract with both our signatures and that of our lawyers. The next day I was greeted with stares, people huddled together whispering and then suddenly stop when I got close enough and the worse part of it all, I got the 'boss' girlfriend' treatment from colleagues.

It got better in time for the holidays. I was conveniently distracted by Sumaya's divorce proceedings. Stupid Kobby originally refused to cooperate out of court and sign the divorce papers. In his words, he still loved Sumaya and was willing to make their marriage work that he would even, here is my favorite part, 'dump the girl he was currently seeing for Sumaya in a heartbeat'.

My frustrated sister almost reached across the table to strangle him. My dad was the one holding her back. I thought it would be the other way around. The next time dad advised aunt Jamila be present for 'hand holding'. We both knew he meant he needed her there to help him restrain their daughter.

Aside that divorce drama November went by smoothly and here we were a week from Christmas moving into our new apartment. Dom kindly helped with carrying our plenty boxes into the apartment and even dragged Chris along to help.

We had spent the beginning of December painting and decorating the apartment. My room's interior decor was inspired by my designer boyfriend. Dom was a genius. Light blue and white chevron walls, peach curtains and a touch of bronze. And what did he get me for a housewarming gift? Only the most comfortable leather arm chair which was currently sitting in the corner of my bedroom. Great gift to encourage my obsession with cuddling with Dom.

Almara of course had come up with the interior decor of Sumaya's bedroom and since she had good taste I agreed when Sumaya suggested we let her do our living room too. Almara and I had been trying to get along since we kept bumping into each other at Dom's house. We regretted being civil to each other when the guys decided we go on a double date. According to Dom, both our responses were still pending. When hell freezes over.

"Kerry, your mother is blowing up your phone and in a few minutes she will be calling me to reach you" Sumaya just as I heard her ringtone blasting from the living room where she was.

"Hold on, aunt Seli" Sumaya said as she approached my room and handed me her phone.

"Mum, I left my phone in the living room. I'm still organizing my clothes into my wardrobe" I explained before she could even demand for me to do so.

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