Chapter Five

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** Almara - Selita Ebanks **

"Time to get a new car!" Dad practically sang as he knocked repeatedly on my bedroom door. I pulled the covers over my head and groaned. My alarm went off and I was annoyed just hearing it ring, like a minute or two more of sleep would have counted.

I threw back the covers and went to take a shower. A cold shower and brushed teeth later, I was pulling on a pair of black skinny jeans and a pink silk button-down blouse. I wore my white and pink sandals and grabbed my purse.

I walked down the stairs and found the rest of the family at breakfast. I could tell Sumaya was having one of her moody mornings. These mood swings started when she decided to go pack her own stuff from the apartment. I had offered to do so since I had already started packing our stuff. She refused and now we all had to suffer moody Sumaya every morning before she left for the apartment.

Sumaya grunted in response when I greeted her. The grunt was a new addition to the moody show starring yours truly, Sumaya! Last week, she simply said a curt 'morning' in response. At this rate by next week, she would simply shrug in response.

I ate my oat porridge and drank my juice in silence. Aunt Jamila watched me as I ate because she knew just how much I hated anything porridge. Dad kept asking me what kind of car I wanted and aunt Jamila kept fussing over Sumaya's hair. Sumaya had adopted the permanent ponytail. It was neat when she was off to work and messy when she stayed indoors.

Dad nudged me to get going so I washed up my breakfast dishes with his and we were out the door after he placed a kiss on Sumaya's forehead.

"I think I should get Yaya a therapist. These moody breakfasts are getting worse" dad said, perturbed, once we got into his car.

"Oh I think she's just a ray of sunshine" I said sarcastically.

"Maybe what she needs is a date-" he started to say but I cut him off.

"Dad, no. You are not going to set her up with any of those promising associates at your firm nor any sons of clients or your friend's sister's cousin by marriage who works at her hospital"

"Maybe all she needs is to know what it means to be with a good man"

"Have you been reading Cosmo or watching some telenovela for such insight? Dad, she just ended her marriage. Last thing she needs is spending time with another man"

"Well you know what they say, you can only forget someone you love by loving someone else more"

"Now you sound like you're quoting love songs. Who are you?"

He simply chuckled as I shook my head at him. We got to the Toyota cars sales place I had driven by so many times. He led me inside and I came face to to face with Almara.

"Mr. Effah" she said excited and hugged my dad.

" Almara, how are you doing dear?" My dad matched her enthusiasm.

"Great. I just wanted to get a new car. My old car is not just sending out the vibe I want. Why hello Kerry"

"Hello Almara" I said curtly.

"I tried to come over to see Sumaya but she obstinately refused. I hope she is doing okay. She is my best friend after all, I would like to be there for her during such hard times. I can only show up at the hospital and see her from a distance. She has shut me out" Almara did look concerned about Sumaya. Sometimes her unpleasantness made me forget just how genuine her friendship with Sumaya really was.

"Don't worry, she will come around. She is really hurting and pushing away anyone who cares. She is proud and she sees our sympathy as pity. You know how Yaya gets when she thinks she's pitied"

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