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"oh yeah spicy danny devito" h0inky-b0ink said to c0nn0r. "shush h0inky-b0ink I'm still running a diagnostic" "you've been running a diagnostic for 28 hours stop pls!" Then c0nn0r died. "oh no c0nn0r" h0inky-b0ink said. "oh yes c0nn0r" c0nn0r said. h0inky-b0ink is sad. Suddenly, a time traveler appeared! "hey h0inky-b0ink who died" the time traveler asked. 


"c0nn0r 1, 2, or 3?"

 "say sike right now" 

Then the time traveler disappeared, because that time traveler only existed for the author to make that stupid meme reference. sToNkS.  

suddenly peanut butter man appeared! 

"oh yes papi peanut butter" 

then peanut butter pooped on the floor. It smelled like peanut butter. It tasted like peanut butter. 

"stop" h0inky-b0ink said. "not near my c0nn0r. And no poop jokes in this cleverly written amazing smart people big brain 280 iq fanfiction" 

"oh yes near your c0nn0r" peanut butter said spicily. His breath tasted like peanut butter. 

h0inky-b0ink licced the peanut butter. 
"oh thank you h0inky-b0ink" peenut budder said. 
"oh yes papi peenut budder" h0inky-b0ink m0aned spicily.
please help me 
suddenly jelly appeared. 

"where is eternal suffering" said jelly.
"eternal suffering has died from the danny devito's spiciness." h0inky-b0ink replied.
"no not eternal suffering" jelly complained. 
"yes eternal suffering" h0inky-b0ink said. 
then peanut butter bit jelly
"oh yes thank you peanut butter" jelly said
"you're welcome jelly" peanut butter replied. 
suddenly, c0nn0r appeared! 
"c0nn0r 0mg what" h0inky-b0ink 
"hello lieutenant my name is c0nn0r I'm the android sent by cyberlife" 
"H O W" 
"lieutenant I'm a robot"
"u spicy lieutenant" 
"oh yes robo daddy"

suddenly, l00ther appeared! 
"no l00ther go away that's not what I meant" h0inky-b0ink said. "fine" l00ther replied. 

I just realized that this fanfiction started out kinda normal and then it just declined into this endless void of nonsense. You know what, lemme do a timeskip and free myself before this fanfiction continues to spiral into the void of memes and nonsense. 

*28 hours later* 
"no" c0nn0r said. 

ok I give up bye

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