"He's going to be fine." Haru's muffled voice came from inside his arms. "It's Legosi." Her phone caught Louis' eye as a wall of text grew in her lap.

      "So..." He smirked. "Juno?"

      She pushed out of his arms and quick sent a few texts back. "We started talking after Legosi and I broke up." Catching his playful eye she blushed. "She's sweet."

      "I just never thought of you two getting together."

      "I could say the same for you and Legosi."

     "You could say that." Louis smiled.

      She punched him in the ribs. "That's for stealing him from me."

      "He stole you from me! It was only fair."

      She punched him in the ribs again "And that's for leaving me without a word in school. I had to hear from Legosi that you had become a crime lord?!"

      "I guess I wasn't as good at communicating as I thought."

      She grabbed his hand again. "I'm glad you called me."

      "If you two would follow me." The tiger was suddenly in front of them. Louis wondered how long they had been talking.

      They followed her down the hallway. Even though the overhead lights were bright, the hallway seemed dim. Beeping from dozens of machines followed them. The tiger stopped and ushered them into one of the rooms. Haru held Louis' hand, he squeezed it gratefully.

      "Sir, you have some visitors."

      Louis wasn't sure he had the strength to enter, but suddenly he was in the room, staring at Legosi. It took everything not to turn and run. Run from the machines forcing breath into the wolf. Keeping him alive.

      "We weren't expecting company." A Komodo dragon set down his book and got up and moved towards the pair. Louis wouldn't have guessed they were related if he hadn't read Legosi's file. And the fact that Legosi had his eyes. "It's nice to meet you." He shook Haru's hand. "I'm Gosha."


      Gosha lingered on her before moving to Louis.


      "I remember seeing you in the paper! You were in the drama club with him!" He said. "It's so nice that his friends came to see him." He fell silent for a moment. "Why don't you come sit down?"

      They obliged and sat down next to Legosi. The steady beeping poked holes into silence. The ragged breath of the machine made Louis feel sick.

      "Would care for something to drink? I'm going to make a trip to the vending machine."

      "Yes, please." They said.

      "They tell me, he can hear you even in a coma. I'm sure he's getting tired of me reading to him. Maybe he'd like to hear about how school is going." He suggested as he left.

      They both looked at the sleeping wolf, unsure of what to say. Haru cleared her throat.

      "H-hey, Legosi. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. Not for breaking up with you, but I regret how I told you. And I wish, I had made more of an effort to communicate afterwards." She thought for a moment. "Uh- Juno and I are seeing each other now. I can see how she wasn't your type. And I wanted to say that I approve of you and Louis. I think you two can learn a lot from each other. Can you believe Louis actually called me for help?" Her grip tightened on Louis' hand. Tears began to fall from her eyes. Louis pulled her into a hug. He knew what he wanted to say, but wasn't sure if he could.

Just Dumb Enough to TryWhere stories live. Discover now