My Ex

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My ex-girlfriend is beautiful. I mean, truly beautiful. She has long, curly, caramel brown hair and crystal grey eyes that are exhilarating to gaze into. She wears cute light blue dresses with brown jackets and grey knee-high socks. She doesn't wear a purse like most girls. No, she wears cute little backpacks with gemstones on them that shine when she skips in the sunlight. Her voice is soft like a lullaby and her skin is smooth to the touch. Holding her hand was like dipping my fingertips into a cool stream.

So, yeah. My ex-girlfriend is beyond beautiful. It almost makes up for how insane she is.

Look. I was no psychology graduate so I definitely don't know exactly what I'm talking about, but I was certain that if a psychologist took even a moment to speak with her, they'd diagnose her with something. They'd have to diagnose her with something.

Well, actually, maybe not right away.

You see, my ex-girlfriend makes a great first impression. She's kind and sweet and funny, and did I mention she is beautiful? We even made love the first time we met. It only took a few dates for me to fall in love with her and things were amazing for a while. But, after some time, her personality started to change. She grew more and more paranoid about me and what I was doing when she wasn't around.

She made up other girls in her head, gave them names and backstories, and accused me of screwing them when she was gone. Mind you, I'd never met or even heard of any of these girls before in my life and besides those social media accounts she'd show me to prove their existence, they were completely erased from the internet. A part of me always thought she was the one making all of those accounts. Something about the pictures posted on the accounts looked oddly photoshopped like there were only a few photos of the person available and they were copied and pasted into different sceneries. I could've sworn the girls all had the same strained smile and facial expression in every photo... kind of like they were forced into them.

Anyways, I told her what any guy would. That I had no idea what she was talking about and that she was the only girl in my life. That would keep her crazy fantasies at bay until she made up a new girl to rant about. It got to a point where I would just tune her out and nod while I thought about something else. It wasn't hard. Her complaints were always the same and my answers were always the same.

After a while, the relationship started to go sour. She tried to restrain me from talking to people. At first, it was just girls - she made me delete their contacts from my phone. I didn't mind since I hadn't talked to those girls in years anyways and if it made her stop accusing me, I was glad to.

But that wasn't enough.

She tried to make me delete more and more people from my life: friends... family... coworkers for god's sake! When I refused was when she started to physically change. It was like her body was slowly decaying. She stopped wearing makeup, cried more often, and ate less. Her eyes were always bloodshot and her lips were chapped and swollen. She didn't look anything like my cute girlfriend...

I wanted to help her but no matter what I said or did, or how much I tried to reassure her, it wasn't enough. It was never enough.

Most of you might disagree, but you could almost say that she was the one who drove me to cheat in the end.

It was only a few times and I never would have dreamed of doing it when things were good! But with all of that craziness, I just started to lose feeling. I got less and less excited to see her and whenever my phone lit up with an incoming call from her, it took an extra kind of strength not to decline it.

But she was in a bad place, so I didn't want to end things with her either. I thought that was the best thing for her - the ignorant bliss. But I needed some happiness too.

Too bad she caught me in the act.

I'll never forget that day. She walked into my bedroom and saw me on top of this other girl; Clair was her name. We were right in the middle of it, too. It was literally the end of my life and Clair's.

I mean, of course, it's a crap situation. No one could emotionally deal with something like that. I can understand that. But as always, my ex-girlfriend overreacted. I don't think she even understood what she was doing, or maybe she knew exactly and this had been her goal the whole time. Maybe this is what she wanted to happen in the end...

Either way, she did what she felt she had to do and left me forever.

After that, I wound up meeting the other girls she used to accuse me of cheating on her with. They're actually incredibly nice but too bad they're stuck here with me and Clair.

I've tried time and time again to communicate with my ex-girlfriend. To tell her that I'm so sorry for what I did and that I still love her. But she's too busy showing her new boyfriend a fake social media account of Clair and accusing him of cheating.

Too bad she killed me or else I would warn the poor guy.

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