I was saving his number as Yasin but Em snatched my phone and saved his number as My Honey and she warned me not to change. I looked at her and said Whatever.. Between I wasn't smiling though.

Yeah yeah! Keep lying to yourself, but you can't lie to me. Anyone would fall for that handsome face and it's my bestfriend whom I know as long as I remember, Your just too easy to fall, she said smiling mischievously.

Shut up you monkey! I shouted at her.

Em kept teasing me the whole day, Ya Allah this girl is so crazy.. Mohammed said he could come to the airport to send me off and then we all parted our ways.

The next day Aunt Zara helped me pack the luggage, I can sense she was feeling low. I know anything I would say won't comfort her. After all she will not be able to see her son for a year. So I just told her we would video call her. Yasin was waiting for me outside in the car, Aunt Zara and Uncle Arman also came along with us to send us off. When I reached to the airport, everyone from my family were there.

Riyadh hugged me and told she will miss my pranks, Mohammed and Miya bhabhi were talking to Yasin and Maa was telling me to take care of me and my husband. It was too hard for me to tell them goodbye. I just couldn't imagine without seeing them for a year. In the plane, Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was watching through the window So Yasin would not see me crying.

You can cry how much ever you want to... you don't have to hide it from me and he gave me a lot of tissues.. Having a small smile on his cute face.

Just that made me cry loudly, and he patted on my back and said cry slowly everyone here would think that I am making you cry, he murmured.

But I cried louder and louder. And when I was finally done, I turned around him and asked, are you not going to cry?

I was going to cry but I guess I don't have to..because you already cried for mee too! He teased.

I got up annoyed and went to the bathroom, who does he think he is!? What a jerk!? Why did I have to cry like a mad woman in front of him?

When I came out, almost everyone near my seat were staring at me.. Yeah great embarassment you did for yourself, Inaya!

Yasin looked at me and noticed that everyone were looking at us..he chuckled looking at me, when I stared at him he took his files and were going through them.

What a work-freak, Yeah work everywhere until you die! I said to myself.


I could not stop laughing, I was controlling myself because she was right next to me crying so loud, people were looking at us. She is such a baby.

When she went to bathroom, I started smiling and some old lady came and hit me and she said do not make your lady cry. I nodded and she went.
Oh gosh! She must have thought I made her cry.

When she came back I could see her, she was too much embarrassed.. Her nose were lite pink it was so adorable. She came quickly and sat besides me, I looked at her and Chuckled, She stared at me. So Just to distract myself I opened the file. I could sense she was still staring at me, I was feeling weird but I din't show it. When I could not take it any longer, I asked Are you hungry? She said Nopee! And she was still staring at me..

Is something wrong with my face?! I know I'm hard to resist, but can't you stop staring at me like that? I asked

Yeahh yeahh! I am just thinking, How can you not have a little worry in your face, I heard you have never been away from Zara?

Oh that's what she's been wondering about I thought something else....

I think it's no use to worry, besides it's just for work and I would call Zara everyday, I replied.

She saw me as if I'm some strange person? And she turned to the window side..

Thankgod now she isn't staring at me anymore. I thought I would die from her stare, it was so weird.. This girl will kill me someday..

She was murmuring something,“ how can he be so normal Allah?”

Did you say something?! I asked

No.. Not at all.. I'm just a bit sleepy, she faked a smile.

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