Chapter 2

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Its been 18 years since my parents were gone, I still miss them. After I lost my parents, the elders took away my sister too. I don't even know whom she is married to now, I was 8 years old and my sister was 14 years old. People never allowed me to see my sister because they thought I would harm her.

I guess they did the right thing because I had lost my control over everything. I felt like I was not even myself. Like something inside me is taking control over me. I couldn't do anything about it. If anyone came to speak to me , I used to throw stuffs or bite them. I remember I used to sit in dark room with my mom's baby pink scarf and dad's watch. Which was so huge to me, I still have them with me.

After a year of my parents death, I was adopted by Arman and Zara. I hated them so much as they took me away from my hometown. As I knew I would never be able to see my sister ever again. I thought if I was a bad kid they would just send me back to my hometown. Then I would be able to meet my sister. The only person whom I loved in my childhood.

I still remember the first day I came to Zara and Arman's home. They made so much effort, my room was painted in Navy Blue with white stripes. Almost everything I wanted and never wanted was there. When Zara asked me did I liked the room!?. I was silent. For a month I was quite I hardly utter a word to them rather than 'Okay' 'No' 'Yes' . I hated them, I hated everyone. I just ate, slept!

Everyday Zara used to come and talk to me, Arman used to come with her too. But I would never allow Arman to come to my room because I was just scared of him. I started liking Zara, she never forced me to talk. Though I only listen, she used to tell me everything.

Yasin do you like Pizza? You know I make delicious pizza! Can we make it together?

And I would just nodd at her.

One day Zara came to my room and told me it's time to go to school, we can't delay your education. What do you say? She asked expecting I would nodd. I was silent for a minute and she understood, That I dint want to go to school. She came near to me and told me,
I know it's hard for you, but I'm here for you. I will be your mom Yasu!

After hearing her say Yasu, I remembered my mom calling me Yasu, I shouted, you can never be my mom and pushed her hard.. she slipped and the next thing I saw was blood, blood was dripping from her head and I shouted Arman! Arman!

Arman hurried to my room and saw Zara fainted on the floor, I felt guilty. I kept telling sorry to him. Arman carried Zara in his arms giving me a death glare and went to the hospital. I wanted to follow them too. But Arman was gone.

I kept weeping and slept, when I woke up. I searched Arman and Zara everywhere. I came to living room and waited for them to come. I was hungry, and I missed Zara bringing me food. The front door opened and I saw Zara, I rushed to her and hugged her. I'm so sorry Zara. I thought I would lost you too. I'm so sorry...I'm so glad that you are alright!

Zara smiled and told me, I would forgive you If you call me, Maa! I nodded and I saw Arman smiling at us and he said, good thing you got hit Zara! somebody is speaking now. I looked at Arman and asked him, do you want to be called dad too?!

He looked at me suprised and told me, I would love to hear anything you call me kiddo. That's how I started loving them. I still remember that day clearly! Arman and Zara was a beautiful blessing in my life. Zara was the reason for what I am today, So whatever they tell me to do. I would never tell them No!

Now I'm all grown up young man, taking over Arman's business. I don't call them mom dad, I just call them by names.. And they Don't mind it too!!

So when Zara decided my marriage, I never denied. Because I already know they would give me best things in my life. The only thing Zara and Arman told me is, never to tell anyone that I was adopted. They dint like people to talk bad about me. So I kept it with me!

Arman and Zara came to my room and they squizzed me into a hug. Zara told me, Today is your big day. We both won't mind if you and your wife stay in a beautiful home. She would be comfortable too?

Zara.. I thought this topic was over!

But Yasin, I would really like to see you have your own home. Your growing future!

I took Zara hand in my hand and told her, Zara from when you guys took me here. This has always been my home. Where you and Arman are, that's where my home is. I'm sure my wife would love to live with you guys too. Zara was touched by what I said and she hugged me and whispered we are so lucky to have you.

Arman said, Come on it's late now! Let's get going you guys continue your mother son bond later.

Arman you are just jealous, Zara said and we all laughed.

I was on my way to the wedding hall! When I saw my soon-to-be beautiful wife, watching me coming. Our eyes met, but she quickly diverted her gaze from me to the floor. And then I remembered, the reason why she agreed to marry me. Arman told me to compliment her and I said,“you look breath takingly beautiful my bride”. Which I really meant!

After all the customs and traditions were completed. I walked to my room exhausted, As I entered she stood from the bed and She saw me I kept looking at her for awhile she looked so beautiful I could not help but drown into her eyes. Ya Allah!! Yasin tell something, Don't just stand there staring at her, my mind told me. And I finally managed to tell , can we pray? For our new beginning? And she nodded.

We both finished our prayers and then she called someone named Em and to God knows how long she was speaking to him? Or her? Though I was bit disappointed, I was glad about one thing that she dint go to balcony to speak to Em and she keep talking sitting beside me on the bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep!

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