Chapter 2: More than love

Start from the beginning

Time Skip
Akiza's POV:
After about seven hours of hard work on the engine that Yusei had taught me to help fix we were finally done and he lowered the engine into the car and I helped him connect the wires and once we were done Yusei went to talk to Samantha while I took a break and got some water for both me and Yusei. "Thanks again you two. I hope you two have a great life together." Samantha said as she got in her car after paying Yusei for fixing her car and left us. "So, people pay you for fixing their machines?" I asked, "Yeah, how else was I going to make a living. I've been saving up for a while now to buy something." Yusei said, "Really, what is it that you've been saving to get?" I asked, "It's a surprise. If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Yusei said. "I guess you're right. But does it have something to do with us?" I asked, "Possibly." Yusei said nonchalantly as he put the money in a safe and it looks like he has been saving up big time for whatever he has in mind. "Well, I'm going to go clean up. I'll see you back upstairs, Akiza." Yusei said as he closed the garage door and flicked a switch and a sign appeared outside saying that Yusei's mechanics shop was closed for now. I cleaned up as best I could down here and went upstairs and saw Yusei without his shirt on making us lunch. "You worked well today Akiza. If you want, you can stay here until you decide otherwise and help me out in the shop." Yusei said and that sounded like a great idea since it will allow both me and Yusei to spend more time together. "Sure, I'll have to let my parents know first." I said as I went to get my phone to call my mom and tell her about this. "My sweet rose, how are you?" my mom asked, "I'm fine mother, listen I have something that I want both you and daddy to hear. Is he there with you?" I asked, "He's right here. Let me put you on speaker." My mother said as she put her phone on speaker. "Sweetheart, how are you doing? What did you want to tell us?" daddy asked me, "I decided to stay with Yusei. He's helping me through my problem and he doesn't care if I have my psychic powers or not. He cares about me and the person I've become." I said hoping they would understand. "If that's what you want Akiza, then, your mother and I support your decision a hundred percent." Daddy said as I smiled and was happy that they were supportive in my decision to stay with Yusei. "Also, make sure to have Yusei and you deliver us a grandchild." My mother said which made me blush and become flustered all over again, "Mother!" I said as I saw Yusei at the table and he looked at me with those deep blue eyes of his which always melts my heart, "Honey you know better than to interfere with other peoples relationships." My daddy said as he somewhat scolded my mother. "I have to go now. Yusei is teaching me how to fix machines so I can help him in his shop. I love you." I said, "We love you too, Akiza. And don't forget to visit us with Yusei every now and then." Daddy said, "Alright, I will." I said as I hung up the phone and went back to Yusei.

Yusei's POV:
When Akiza walked back over I smiled at her and she smiled back, "So, what did they say?" I asked, "They said that they supported my decision to stay with you. Also, we have to visit them every now and then." Akiza said, "That's fine with me as long as I get to be with you Akiza." I said as I held her hand and our dragon marks glowed faintly. "That's new, wonder if one of the others are in trouble?" I said as both Akiza and I decided to make a call to our friends. I called Jack and Crow while Akiza called Luna and Leo. "Hey, Jack is anything going on besides your usual winning streak?" I asked him, "Not that I'm aware of Yusei. Also, why is it that I can feel that you and Akiza are getting extremely close now?" Jack asked me, "Akiza is moving in with me. The rest is none of your business Jack. Just let me know if anything weird happens." I said as I hung up and called Crow who has been helping Martha and officer Trudge after team 5D's went their separate ways. "Yusei, how you been pal?" Crow asked, "I'm doing fine Crow. Listen is there anything weird going on where you're at?" I asked, "Nope, unless you call a giant bounce house weird enough to make my mark of the dragon glow. Speaking of which, why is it that I can sense Akiza in your house man?" Crow asked, "She's moving in with me. And no, I won't tell you why." I said as I told him the exact same thing as I told Jack. After that was taken cared of both Akiza and I went back to enjoying each other's company and to build up our relationship. I taught Akiza everything she needed to know about how to work on machines and vehicles to help me in my shop. After that, we both decided to get some of her things from her parents' house so we got on our Duel runner's and drove off to Akiza's parents' house.

YU-GI-OH 5D'S:  Yusei X Akiza (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now