"Losing my mind." He groaned. "This sh-... this crap," he corrected himself when her eyes grew wide, "is impossible."

"Poor you," Clementine cooed at him, and passed the flower crown onto his head. He posed with it and she laughed. "This was actually meant for Luna, but she walked away the second she saw me."

"Good, because I bet I look fabulous with it."

Cedric's words made a smile return on her face. She pulled one of the flowers out of the crown and clipped it in her hair.

"Pretty." Cedric said, Clementine's eyes brightened.

Her eyes then rolled down, on a picture Cedric had tucked in between the pages of his planner. In it, a lovely girl dressed in blue was self-consciously covering her face with a book. "I won't bother you for long. But there's something I want to ask you."

"What is it?" Cedric asked, mindlessly fidgeting with the crown that was still on his head.

Clementine pointed at the photo. "Your girlfriend is from Ravenclaw." Cedric nodded. "Do you know Jenna too?" He nodded again. "And her friends?"

"Them too."

Clementine smiled in anticipation. "What are their names?"

He huffed. "Roger Davies, Penelope Clearwater, Grayson Corner, Dawson Miller."

Clementine nodded "And who would you say is the best looking boy out of them?"

"Penelope Clearwater, definitely."

Clementine giggled. "With your hair like this I bet you have a shot for her title." She teased. "Other than her who do you think is the most good looking one?"

Cedric massaged the back of his head before he coughed in embarrassment. "Why?"

"Just answer, please."

"I guess... Grayson?"

"Alright." Clementine grinned. "Thanks, Cedric, this was really useful."

"For what?" Cedric said, confused, but Clementine was already trotting out of the common room, headed towards the Great Hall.

Her feet automatically brought her to the Gryffindor's table, where she greeted Victoria by saying "Grayson Corner!"

Victoria jumped, then gave her a puzzled look.

"Oh," Clementine sat down. "I thought he was the boy you liked."

Her friend laughed as she brought her glass to her mouth. "I told you, you'll never find out."

"Roger Davies?"

"Not even."

"Dawson Miller."


"Penelope Clearwater!" Clementine screamed in exasperation, "why can't you tell me?"

"Why do you want to know so badly?" Victoria retorted.

"Because friends tell each other this sort of stuff." Clementine said, her voice whiny. Her eyes grew wicked, "How about I tell you who I fancy in return?"


"This isn't fair," Clementine huffed after a moment of silence. "And how is it so obvious?"

"Please, you never stop talking about him," Victoria scoffed.

Those words rubbed Clementine the wrong way. Because if Victoria had noticed there was a good chance Blaise had too.

Invisible Threads | Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now