Chapter 2 - Ramona Burke

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Dedicated to LuvSailorMercury for her awesome support! Thank you :)

C H A P T E R 2

"What exactly did he say?" I asked, still keeping my eyes on the road as I drove us through the city.

Cleo rolled her eyes before replying. "He asked if I was with you, and then he said that we needed to get the the HQ immediately."

I nodded and then put my attention back to the road. There was some idiot driving like a snail, and he was keeping everyone up! I suppose it's our fault also, as it's 6pm and that's when half the city finish work.

"I hate when this happens." Cleo stated.

"When what happens?"

"Some person keeping everyone up. I mean, people have somewhere to be. You never know, someone might be needing to head to the hospital as quickly as possible, but this loser is keeping them up!"

I gave her a look before I punched her in the arm, hard.

"What the hell was that for?!" she shouted at me while she was rubbing her arm.

"To get you to shut up. You sounded so serious, and the Cleo I know is never serious." I said smirking.

She just glared at me before sinking into her chair and looking out the passenger window. I rolled my eyes and put on the radio, because it was starting to get very awkward. When I sorted out the channel that I wanted, the song that was on was, 'Never getting back to together' by Taylor Swift.

Cleo quickly turned to face me when she heard it, and her expression was one of excitement. I was about to ask her what was wrong, but before I could she started belting out the song.

'I remember when we broke up,
the first time.
Saying this is it I've had enough,
cause like.
We haven't seen each other in a month,
when you said you needed space...'

I decided to join in on the only bit I knew in that song and it was the,

"WHAT?" both me and Cleo shouted out at the same time before laughing and turning the volume down.

"Well that was fun." Cleo stated. "Oh, turn right up here and then take a left. That should be a quicker way to the headquarters."

I followed her instructions and put on my indicators, showing that I was turning right. When I had turned off, it took us into a 1-way road and I seen the left turning easily. I turned on my indicators again, and then found myself in the HQ car park.

"I told ya." Cleo spoke with a smirk.

I just scowled, "Shut up and get inside."

We both strut inside the sliding doors because we both knew that we didn't want to keep the boss waiting.


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