What's Going On?! Secrets Revealed

Start from the beginning

Sam: What the hell?!

Bucky: Why is the ground shaking?!

Steve: I don't know, but I hope it isn't an earthquake!

Then he realized something.

Steve: It's Goku.

Sam: He's the one causing this?!

Bucky: Why is he doing this?!

Steve: Must be measuring his power, and I don't think he's close to full power.

*at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre*

Everyone in the compound was trying to hold on to something as the floor was shaking like an Earthquake.

Ross: Stark, what's going on?!

Tony: I don't know, but it's not me, okay?!

Rhodey: How's the earth shaking like this?! There's no earthquake detected around here!

Natasha: I don't know, but whatever it's coming from, it must be powerful!

*back at the Avengers Facility*

Clint, Pietro, and Wanda were leaving the facility after taking care of Vision to go and meet with Steve and the others. Then, the ground started to shake violently.

Clint: What the?!

Pietro: что за хрень?! (WTF)

Wanda: Why is the Earth shaking?!

Then, they see a huge beam of fiery red light coming from far away up to the sky.

Pietro: It must be Goku!

Clint: He's making all this happen?!

Wanda: I'm not sure, but if it is him, his power is far more than we expected it to be!

The the beam starts to shrink as the ground slowly stops shaking.

*back to Goku*

When it starts to fade, it reveals Goku with his hair standing up than before and he's surrounded by fiery orange aura around his body, while the red aura was around both him and the orange one.

When it starts to fade, it reveals Goku with his hair standing up than before and he's surrounded by fiery orange aura around his body, while the red aura was around both him and the orange one

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