What Happened To You?

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I was painting a giant mural next to Ursul's grave. "I miss 'ya." I muttered, "Blame mum for what happened, if she cared for us you'd be alive." I stopped and placed my free hand on the grave, "I miss you brother."

"Least I don't see a picture of me with horns and a pitchfork." A voice said from behind me. I spun around to see Ben standing near the entrance of Ursul's grove.

"Ben." I gasped. He tried to take a few steps towards me but I held up my hand to stop him, and he did.

"Sophia I am so sorry about our fight. It was all my fault, it...please come home." Ben held up his ring to me. I placed down my spray paint can and moved towards him,

"Ben, don't you see? I'm home." I stopped in front of Ben,

"I bought the limo, it's a sweet ride."

"Ben...I-I don't fit in at Auradon. I tried my best but..." I turned to look at Ursul's grave. "I need to be here." I looked back at Ben, "If you believe that I can change, then your belief is wasted."

"Then I'll change. I'll skip school, have more fun, I'll blow up some of my responsibilities-"

"Ben no." I interrupted, "This is exactly what I mean, I'm a terrible influence on you. It's only so long until I mess up big time and not only will the Kingdom turn on me they're gonna turn on you too."

"Don't quit us Sophia." Ben moved my hand up and placed his ring inside it. "The people love you. I love you. Don't you love me?" I took Ben's ring with a smile. I placed it back into his hand, curling his fingers over it. I pushed Ben's hand back.

"I need to stay here, keep myself out if the picture. Because...it's what's best for you and the Kingdom."

"Sophia, no, please." Ben took a step forward but I took a step back.

"Ben...I can't do this..." I turned my back to Ben and picked up my spray can, moving towards my mural. "You should go home Ben." I didn't hear Ben's footsteps so I turned back to him, "Ben, please go home. Please leave." Ben gave a small nod and slowly turned around. I took a shaky breath as I watched him leave. When he did I collapsed on the floor in sobs, covering my mouth with the back of my hand. I then heard the communicator pipe,

"Soph?" I heard Mal say, "Sophia, it's Mal, come on, let's talk for a bit. Sophia, don't ignore me." I stood and walked over to the lever near the willow tree. I pulled it and spoke into the communicator pipe on my end,

"Leave me alone!" I said in a harsh sob. I then wiped my eyes as I took a shaky breath. I walked back to my mural and continued to paint. I then heard sets of footsteps and turned to see Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos walk through the entrance of Ursul's grove. "I said to leave me alone."

"Uma captured Ben." Mal said plainly. I stared at all of my friends in shock,

"If you guys had never bought him here, this would never have happened. What in Hades were you thinking!"

"He was gonna come with or without us we just wanted to protect him!" Evie explained.

"Yeah, and we completely blew it guys." Carlos added,

"Hey, ok. So what are we gonna do?" Jay asked.

"We." I gestured to all of my friends and myself, "Aren't doing anything." I walked past my friends and into our loft. I grabbed my jacket from the couch and turned to them "This is between me and my sister. I am going to talk to her, alone." I told them.

"Woah, Sophia, your still gonna have to through Harry Hook and his warf friends." Carlos reminded me.

"Yeah, your gonna need us." Jay pointed out. I scoffed,

"I was taking them down when I was still in diapers. And Uma said to come alone."

"Sophia, come on." Evie tried to argue.

"She said to come alone." Carlos repeated. "I know one thing. I'm not going anywhere." Carlos sat down on the couch.

"We'll be here when you get back." Jay promised. I shrugged on my jacket as I left the room.

 I shrugged on my jacket as I left the room

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I walked into Mum's fish and chip shop. Uma turned and stared at me in shock and anger. "I'm ba~ck." I droned. All eyes turned to me.

"Loser, party of one." Uma said in the same tone. "Right this way please." Uma gestured to a table. I moved towards it and Uma kicked a chair over to me. I caught it with my hand with a smirk. I flipped it around and sat on it back to front. Uma crossed her eyes as I surveyed the shop,

"Place still smells like an old bucket of prawns."

"Oh I'm sorry, we're down a butler today, Princess."

"Where's Ben?" Uma pulled off her apron and dropped it on the floor.

"You know I dreamed of this." Uma stated. "You wanting something from me and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook."

"Aww!" I cooed, "My baby sister dream's about me." Uma slammed her hands on the table.

"You have your perfect little life, don't you?" I stayed silent. Uma moved away from the table, "Doesn't she have the perfect little life?!" She asked the pirates around her. "And were twenty years into a garbage strike." Uma said to me again.

"If you want to settle a nonexistent score, game on. I see no reason to bring Ben into this." I crossed my arms. Uma laughed and leant on my table,

"It may seem a little unnecessary. But, uh, it is so much fun. Here's the deal."

"Just like Mother, always a catch." Uma slid into the seat opposite me and placed her elbow onto the table.

"You win, Ben is free to go. Hmm?" I placed my elbow and was about to take Uma's hand. She retracted it slightly. "Don't you want to know what I get if I win?" She asked innocently.

"Still got your head in the clouds." I grasped Uma's hand tightly. "On three."



"Three." We said simultaneously as we started to push each others hands down.

"You know, that whole princess act, ugh, never bought it for a second." Uma admitted. "You could stick a tiara on a villain, but you're still a villain."

"But you could be the captain of a ship but you'd still be my little sister." I stated. I pushed my hand down and lowered Uma's. As I continued to push Uma's hand down, my eyes burned blue. My hand almost pushed Uma's down completely.

"If I win, you get me the wand." My concentration broke and Uma pushed my hand down. She stood up and cheered.

"What is with all that cheering!" I stood up quickly at the new voice. Mother emerged from the back room, she spotted me and smiled evilly, "Well, isn't this a surprise. Come home have you?" I moved to stand in front of Uma.

"I haven't come home Mother." I said in a cold tone, "But if you did to Uma what you did to me, there will be hell to pay." I turned to Uma, "I'll get the wand." I strutted to the exit of the restaurant.

"Bring it to my ship at noon tomorrow!" Uma called after me, "Then you'll get beasty boy back." I went to leave but Uma said something that made me stop in my tracks, "And if you blab, you can kiss your baby goodbye."

"I don't know what happened to you Uma, but...sisters forever and always Aquarius." I said before I left. 

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