chapter one - watch out

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The Caesar Story

It was the night after Katness and Peter's wedding, and Caesar arranged to catch up with his old friend, Primrose. They go way back.

As Caesar was waiting for Prim to arrive, he reminisced about the days when he and Katniss had a 'thing'. A romantic 'thing'. Back in the day when people used to call them 'Flickerdeen'.

Caesar sipped his 'Arena Coffee' (from the 74th Arena Cafe) as he continued to wait for Prim to arrive. After a few minutes, Prim arrived.

"You took your time, Prim, jeez!" Exclaimed Caesar.

"Sorry! I was trying to stop Katniss from drowning my cat, as she does. That bitch." Prim said.

"Whoah. No need for that type of language!" Caesar replied, "What are you? Like, 12? Man no need for those words gurl! I'm sure Buttercup is a shit anyway."

"True." Agreed Prim.

"Anyway, come and take a seat next to me ;)." Said Caesar.

"Okay, babe, what's been happening?" Prim asked.

"Not much, just the usual, how about you?" Caesar replied.

"Oh, you know, the norm, thinking about Peeta, oh wait what sorry I meant Buttercup, yes! Buttercup! Not Peeta haha wtf was I saying? Hahaha." Prim nervously laughed.

"Prim... you know you can trust me, we go way way back Primmy!" Prim sighed.

"Dayum, Caesar, stop trying to be a sticky beak! Jesus Christ, Caesar!"

"PRIM! What did I say about your language! You are going to be sorry... ehehe." Caesar did an evil laugh and ran away. Prim was in confusion.

"What the heck just happened lol." Prim thought to herself as she walked back to District 13. Oh wait I mean 12.

As Prim walked she stumbled upon a letter that read, "In 7 days you will die." She screwed up the letter and threw it away, but soon after she found another letter that read, "Ignore the other letter, I was meant to say, you better watch out. PRIMMY." Prim couldn't believe what she read.

"How does the paper know my name?!" She thought.

"Maybe Caesar is right after all, maybe I do need to watch out."

Flickerdeen - A Hunger Games FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora