“I guess,” Natsu sighed.

Once we met with Makarov’s friend, we were assigned different locations around the restaurant. Natsu was placed by the front door, greeting customers as they came in and watching the streets for any supernaturals. Gray was placed on the East side of the floor, and I was placed to the West. After we got started, the night went by quickly. Natsu took out three vampires in the first couple of hours, and by the end of the night he had killed one more, plus a banshee. Gray managed to purify a poltergeist, take out two vampires, and kill a shifter. Compared to them, my night was incredibly boring. I only killed two shifters and one Oni.

“Great job, boys,” Makarov said once we got back to our rendezvous point in the park. “No one was hurt, and no one saw you, so I’d say you three were quite successful.”

“So,” Natsu grinned, “when do we graduate?”

“Actually, I’m awarding you three with your badges and uniforms tonight,” Makarov smiled, chuckling at the look of shock on all of our faces.

“Why so soon?” I asked.

“A big assignment just came in from the higher-ups, and I think you three would be perfect for the job. You’re going to be debriefed in the morning, so get some rest and meet me at the office tomorrow.” He gave us our uniforms—black pants, red t-shirts, and black jackets—and our badges before dismissing us.

“We actually did it!” Natsu cheered as we walked home. “I wonder what kind of assignment Gramps has planned for us?”

“It must be important if he wanted us on it immediately,” Gray frowned.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’ve got a bad feeling about it, too.”

That bad feeling increased as I laid in bed, trying to get some sleep. “What are you up to, old man?” I wondered, finally feeling myself be lulled away by the sweet bliss of sleep. Unfortunately, it was never as blissful as I hoped, thanks to my unwelcome intruder.

“Gajeel!” The blue-haired woman squealed, jumping into my arms. “You were gone for so long,” she pouted, kissing me softly. “I was beginning to miss you.”

“Natsu wouldn’t leave me alone,” I sighed, holding her tightly against me.

“I have a surprise for you,” she smiled, jumping out of my arms.

“What is it?” I asked as she grabbed my hand and led me through the small house. When did we get back to my house? I wondered, looking around. My mom always worked late, and I had never really known my father, so I practically lived in the house alone. I went to school, came home, and enjoyed the quiet. It was always like that.

That is, until I had met her. I bumped into her just the day before, and hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind since. I had nearly convinced myself that she was some kind of angel—especially given the fact that she wouldn’t tell me her name. She just teased me, saying it was more fun to make me guess.

“So, what’s the surprise?” I asked again, frowning when she closed my door behind us and shut off the light.

As my eyes adjusted, I heard the faint ruffling of clothes before something hit the ground. When she came closer, I could finally see her, and I realized what the noise had been.

“W-What are you doing?” I asked, feeling my face heat up as I stared down at her naked body in shock.

“Your surprise,” she purred, shoving me back until my legs hit the bed and I tumbled backwards onto it. She giggled, climbing on top of me as she pulled my shirt over my head. Her lips crushed against mine before I could respond, and I felt like I was floating. It wasn’t until she pulled away that I realized I was also naked.

My Beautiful Devil (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Where stories live. Discover now