Chapter 12

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"We're the holders of the miraculous, and we were sent to protect the city from evils like Hawk Moth." Without thinking, Carapace introduced the four heroes, forgetting that Hawk Moth was the most trusted advisor in the entire kingdom.

"That is Gabriel Agreste, an esteemed member of the court. Such accusations are considered treason and you will pay for your crimes."

Chat sighed and released his transformation. The guard looked confused for a moment, until Adrien began to speak. "I can confirm that my father is in fact, a threat to the throne. He has been scheming to use powerful magic to create monsters to terrorise the city and seize power in the chaos. I can also confirm that the only thing that stood in his way, and stopped him, was these heroes and myself.

"I do not know how long he has been planning this, or where he got the miraculous, but I do know that Carapace was telling the truth and Gabriel Agreste should be punished for his crimes, at the very least he should serve a lifetime in prison."

The guard was slack jawed when Adrien finished. "I will alert the king immediately."

Adrien watched as he left the dungeon, only to be replaced with another guard seconds later. The new guard came over and slapped handcuffs onto Gabriel's wrists and hauling him upright. Gabriel started to come to and struggled, but the guard was much stronger than he was.

"We should talk to the king and return the miraculous." Adrien decided it was time to leave forever. He was finished playing hero and just wanted to live a normal life away from palaces and fathers that refused to let you be your own person.

"Good idea." Ladybug lead the way out of the dungeon, following the guard. Luckily, the guard also dragged Gabriel into the throne room in front of the king, so the heroes were in the right place.

"Gabriel, why am I hearing about a plot to take my throne?"

Gabriel, who was only half conscious, answered, "There is no plot, my king, the accusers are liars and anarchists."

"He is incorrect. We restored peace in the dungeons, and my Lucky Charm returned everything to its normal state, while Gabriel only brought about chaos. He should" Ladybug gestured with a wide sweep of her arm over Gabriel.

The king turned to Adrien. "This is your father, and you aren't trying to protect him?"

Adrien looked at Gabriel with contempt. "This man does not deserve my plea for his freedom. He hurt innocent people for selfish gain, and he deserves his punishment."

Gabriel sneered at Adrien but stayed silent, a look of shock clear in his eyes. He had never expected his own son to turn on him like this, yet Adrien had thrown him into the jaws of death without blinking.

"Very well. Gabriel Agreste, for attempted treason, I sentence you to life in the darkest corner of the dungeons, reduced from a death sentence. I cannot believe that you would stoop this low for power. I hope you enjoy your new life."

As the guards dragged him away, Gabriel let out a scream, cursing everyone in the room. "I will get my revenge, and I will bring Emilie back!"

The doors slammed closed behind the guards, leaving the heroes in the room with the king. "I must thank you, for protecting my kingdom. Without you, I wouldn't have stood a chance. Is there any way we can repay you?"

"The only thing I request is being able to search my father's items before I leave." Adrien looked the king straight in the eye. "And I request that when I am gone, no one contacts me unless there is an emergency."

Merman (Miraculous Ladybug AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora