Chapter 5

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As Adrien was swimming down the hallway towards the kitchen, he ran into the one person he didn't want to see. Gabriel Agreste. His own father.

It wasn't like they had a strained relationship, they didn't have a relationship at all. Gabriel was working every hour of every day, Adrien was sure he saw him less than the King did. At least the King could order Gabriel around. Adrien could only wait and hope that he remembered he had a son.

Unfortunately, this was one of those rare times Gabriel did remember Adrien.

Gabriel swam closer, his face angrier than Adrien had ever seen in his lifetime. "Get into my office, now."

Adrien dropped his head and followed behind Gabriel. He had always hated the office his father worked in. It was so clinical and lifeless like it was still empty. If it wasn't for the huge portrait of his mother hanging behind the desk, Adrien would think no one used this room at all.

Adrien sat down in the hard wooden chair facing the painting. It was like Gabriel had positioned the room so you would have Emilie watching as Gabriel shouted at you. it was a little bit disconcerting, to say the least.

Gabriel inhaled deeply. He was mad at Adrien for putting his image at risk. He had seen his son swimming out the window the day before, and he hadn't seen him around since that morning. Wherever he had been, it was for over twenty-four hours. "Where were you?"

"I was in my room."

"For over and entire day? I find that hard to believe."

"You never believe me!" This was the first time Adrien had raised his voice at Gabriel, and Gabriel did not like it one bit.

"Did you shout at me?"

"No, Father, I'm sorry, I'm just emotional. Please." Adrien started to look frightened. He knew what his father was capable, what he had done. He was terrified that Gabriel would turn on him.

"Get out," Gabriel roared. Without thinking twice, Adrien fled the room.

He had almost made it to the door when he crashed into the armchair that was sitting beside it. He gasped and Gabriel became even angrier.

"Adrien. Turn around." Gabriel was furious. He picked up the vase that was sitting on his desk held it in his hand. A sphere of water surrounded it, an advantage of working in a high ranking position. It came hurtling towards Adrien. It shattered before it hit Adrien. Shards dug into his chest and blood started to leak out of the lacerations and cuts and spread into the water.

Adrien cried out in pain and Gabriel snapped out of his rage. He called current to push Adrien back towards his own room until the water was too far from Gabriel to control. Adrien was forced to swim the rest of the way with the saltwater stinging his cuts and hoping that no one saw him.

He crashed through the door into his room, only to find the human trying to get out the window. When she saw him, she tried to scream, but Adrien reacted quicker and was in front of her in seconds, covering her mouth to keep her quiet. The last thing he needed half of the palace guards bursting into his room to find a human screaming her head off.

The girl fought Adrien until he whispered, "You need to stay quiet. You'll only be able to breathe underwater for so long and if you scream that time will run out and you will drown."

He could see the fear in her eyes when he took his hand away from her mouth. She instantly made another break for the window. Adrien grabbed her ankle before she could get anywhere. She whirled around. "Let me go! I have to get home! I'm going to drown!"

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