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Izuku Midoriya was the boy everyone looked up to. His home life, grades and persenality were all top notch. Everyday school started for him with a smile. He acknoledged everyone and was no-doubtly the most loyal and honest person you could ever meet. He brang joy to those around him. Izuku was the sunshine everyone needed in their life, but he worked hard to keep that up. A mask can hide anything, even a broken heart. His life was not those of a movie but a harsh reality no one wishes to live.

His dad left because of him, his mum is abusive because of his failure to have a quirk and his only friend left him out of hatred. A smile fixes everything they say. A smile can ix a heart break, but a smile can not fix Izuku Midoriya for he is far too broken.

In a world of quirks only twenty-percent of people are born without a quirk. If a quirk has not shown up after the week it should have shown the kid is taken to a doctor. There they will tell you if you have an extra bone in your pinkie toe that allows you your quirk.


Everyday Izuku and his mother would watch All Might's movies. Izuku dreamed to be like the movie star with the strongest quirk. His room was full of action figures along with posters strung up on the wall. His door was painted yellow, his curtains blue and his bed sheets with All Might's face on it. He even had an all might onesie that he would play super hero's in. You can guess that he's kind of a fan.

It had been three days and Izuku was still waiting for his quirk to show up. Him, his mother and father were all on edge for what his quirk was going to be. Inko, Midoriya's mother could float small objects towards her when she felt powerful emotions and his father could breath fire. It was a very odd combination so everyone was excited and nervous to fine out Izuku's quirk.

the week was up and there was no sign of Midoriya's quirk. His father rushed him to the doctor's. He did not want a kid with no quirk. the x-ray was taken and izuku was rushed into a private room with just the doctor.

"Izuku, right? I'm Doctor Ganesh," He extended his arm towards four year old Izuku.

"Hi" He responded confidently.

"Would you like to know your quirk.... It's....."

Izuku was not ready for this answer, it terrified him, he didn't want to lie to those around him.

"Izuku? You there buddy? okay, your quirk is stolen."

When Izuku came back out with a dull look in his eyes his parents new exactly what happened. He didn't have a power. Well that's what he told them. It was harder for him to tell Katsuki Bakugo his best friend. Well lets just put it he wasn't happy.

Katsuki's quirk already gave him anger management so when his best friend didn't have a cool quirk like him he was furious. He couldn't contain the sparks that flew out of his palms, Katsuki pushed Izuku down, burning his all might shirt in the process.


By the time Izuku was five he had taken seven quirks by accident. His mother didn't know about this and well, his farther had already left. Although, only being five Izuku had been through a lot. His mother wasn't that bad besides name calling every few days but kindergarten was worse. All the kids would show off their power while Izuku sat lonely in the corner of the playground. Kids would laugh ad trip him for being different yet he never said anything about it, he just stayed silent.

Taking seven peoples quirks put a lot of pressure on Midoriya. He felt miserable, responsible for others pain and sadness even if he wasn't the cause he always found a way to be apart of it. All he could think about was what the people who lost their quirks would feel like. He only repeated the name when it was said to him. He didn't even have to think it, he just whispered it.

Even with a useless but also not useless power like this he wanted so badly to make it into the UA course, just not the class your thinking. Yes, Izuku midoriya wanted to go into general studies. He had the brain for it and the grades. It made sense he didn't apply to the hero course, as his secret would be discovered.

The entrance exams were coming up and he was studying night and day. Katsuki Bakugo did not want Izuku to make it into the same school as him. Bakugo always saw him as the weakling trying to beat him at everything. He wanted him to stay in his spot with the extras not with him. Thus the name Deku came to stay by Izuku's side.

Katsuki didn't know about Izuku's home life and how he already dealt with mental abuse from his mother so he never stopped. When the Bakugo family comes over Inko is the sweetest person and you could never imagine such horrid things would leave her mouth.

When Izuku turned twelve Inko began to physically abuse him when he was home late, talked back, missed school or forgot something. Most nights he went to bed hungry and in tears.

Its been three years now and both the mental and physical abuse has just gotten worse. It wasn't fun for him to endure it, but he stuck threw the years. With no friends to talk to he wrote books titled hero analysis for the future. However, they were not about hero's, it was his thought journal. It was better to hide them that way in fear his mother or a teacher would find out. He takes them everywhere and writes every detail in them so if someone who's not him was to read it, his mother would be taken away and he would be put into foster care.

Although his home life is shit, he didn't really want to be taken into foster care with a bunch of strangers. Being told he has an impossibly rare quirk has frightened him that he barely cant say a sentence without stuttering. He's so afraid that any second he could take someone's quirk by accident.

With the pressure of taking peoples quirks, the abuse and bullies at school no one would imagine what he does to deal with it. His short sleeves and shirts became long sleeves and bandages. His boxers at night became tracki-dacks ( Sweat pants) and his shorts became knee length. A special object he protected dearly multiplies each week. One of them is always hidden in the back of his phone case just in case he ever needs it. Izuku thought the drawings it left behind were beautiful. How the red glistened with the silver on his floor boards entranced him like a lost puppy. The way the sharp edge drew the red colour, the way it made him feel in control was what made him want it more. Its like a drug, addicting.

This helped Izuku escape his horrible life, although it wasn't safe and put his life at risk it made him feel better. It was like a visible cry for help but only for him to see. Izuku tries to run from his feelings, thoughts and the voices with this technique. To him the worst feeling he has is love. Izuku had fallen in love with his bully Katsuki Bakugo even though he should hate him the most.

But, on top of everything, on the outside Izuku Midoriya was fine.


Hello this is the author, I just want everyone to know that I am not condoning that self harm is an effective way to let feelings out. I know this myself from personal experiences. I do not know what abuse is like so if i get things wrong in this I'm sorry. I want everyone to know they are not alone and you can come to me if you ever need to talk. Please let me know if there are any mistakes and I'll try to fix it.

Thank you for reading XD!!

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