Not worth it

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Rosita, Waverly, Nicole, Wynonna, and Willa are all enjoying a nice Saturday at the mall at least it was nice until an unexpected unwanted face showed up.
(Also some background information Nicole is not a cop yet, they're all in or around their early 20s, there's no curse and Willa isn't a bitch, well much of one anyways)

Me, Nicole, Willa, Rosita, and Wynonna, are at the mall. We went shopping and I got this new light pink laced crop top, high waisted jeans, and black lace lingerie set. That I think Nicole will like, Wynonna, on the other hand, brought a leather jacket, a new video game called 'Red Dead Redemption2'. Willa, Rosita, and Nicole on the other hand just brought shoes. Now we're just walking around looking at stores.

"I'm hungry, let's go to the food court, " Wynonna says whining and dragging her feet as she walked.

"Yeah I'm kinda hungry too, " Rosita says hand on her stomach.

"Yeah the smell of pretzels is making me hungry, " Willa ads in the looks to me and Nicole.

"Are you hungry?" Nicole asks in a soft voice and gives my hand a soft squeeze, the combination makes my heart flutter. We've been together for almost 3 years and she still has that effect on me. God, I can't wait till we get home.

"Yeah, I guess I'll get something, " I say before bringing our interlocked fingers to my mouth to kiss her hand.

"Ugh!! Get a room!!!" Wynonna groans, before turning around to head for the food court.

"I'm going to find us a table, " Rosita says when we arrive at the noisy food court, and she takes all of our bags with her. I always have loved this mall not only do they have some of my stores to shop at but they have multiple vegan restaurants. Wynonna and Willa went their separate ways to get some food leaving me and Nicole by ourselves.

"What do you wanna eat babe?" Nicole says swinging our hands.

"I mean I would tell you but I can't eat it here." I say giving her a wink and she turns as red as her hair, and I start laughing.

"Not funny!" She says very animatedly which makes me laugh even harder.

"I love you, " I say giving her a kiss on her cheek after I had finally composed myself.

Nicole rolled her eyes, then kissed my forehead, "I love you too, so much, now seriously what do you wanna eat for lunch?" she asks pulling me closer too her.

"I don't really know, " I pause for a second to think, "Oh, I know, let's go to the Thai food place it's sooo good, " I say bouncing up and down which I guess finds funny because she chuckling.

"Anything for you babe, here, order me something too, I'm trusting your taste, " She says giving me her credit card. I take it, give her a peck on her lips.

10 minutes later

Damn that line was something. I finally got my and Nicole's food, I walk into the seating area looking for our table. I stand there looking for a bit when I feel a pair of hands on my hips, I jerk a little. Then I hear a certain redhead's laugh, "What the hell! You scared the shit out of me!" I yell trying to kick her while trying to balance our food on a tray.

"I'm sorry baby, here I'll take that for you, " Nicole says still laughing, and taking the tray. "Follow me the tables' this way, " she says and I follow her lead.

We sit down and I give Nicole her credit card back. "Babe is careful it's hot or shall I say, Haught." Nicole rolled her eyes at my joke, while Willa Rosita and Wynonna groaned but laughed. Nicole blew on her food then ate the fork full.

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