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I decided to make this one-shot after my 'You promised', so basically Waverly found out she was pregnant and she's surprising Nicole. I hope you enjoy.

Waverly's POV

Nicole and I are in the bathroom, waiting for the results from the pregnancy test. This will be our third time trying, before coming into the process of trying to get pregnant I knew it wouldn't be easy.  And I knew that we probably wouldn't get pregnant, the first try, but it still sucked. Nicole has been so patient and understanding throughout this whole journey. We both thought it would be a good idea for me to carry our baby, because of her occupation. She even worked longer hours to pay for the procedure. We decided we wanted to get an IVF, so basically, they takeout Nicole's eggs, fertilize them and put them into me. That way Nicole can feel more connected to the baby since I'm carrying it. It's been a very emotional roller coaster, and it's been pretty uncomfortable with all the shots I had to take, but Nicole has been by my side every step of the way.

"Ok, it's been about ten minutes do you wanna look at the test now?" Nicole said and squeezed my hand.

"Oh, uh sure," I said back I really hope it's positive. Nicole walks over and grabs the test from the sink, she walks back to me and flips it over.


Nicole sighs, "Damn it." I say and my voice cracks, I put my head in my hands and beak down. Nicole puts the test down and gets on her knees in front of me, and pulls me into a hug.

"Baby it's ok don't cry, we can always try again." She says trying to calm me down, but I just cry more.

"I-It's not o-ok Nic-ole it's not," I say pulling away from her. "Wha-what if I can't get pregnant and-and we wasted so much money on something that's never gonna happen." I whip me tear and look at her then I realized something, "We can't be together anymore."

"What do you mean?" Nicole says looking hurt, and like she about to cry.

"You should be with someone who can give you kids, I-i can't." I start crying again, then I feel Nicole wrap her arms around me.

"Baby I want you, and I'm sure you can have kids this is just a very hard process, the doctor said it could take over a year or years to get pregnant. You can't blame yourself, and if you can't get pregnant?" She puts her hands on my shoulders and looks me in my eyes. "If you can't get pregnant, so what I don't care we can always try something else, I'll still be here. Now, please don't talk like that I hate we you're upset." she kisses my head and whips away the rest of my tears.

"Nicole, how did I get so lucky?" I say getting up.

"Funny, " she says getting up and pulled me into her, and I let out a giggle. "I ask myself that every I get to wake up to you, " She says and pulls me into a kiss. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her closer, I felt something rub against my leg. I pull away and I look down and saw Calamity Jane, damn that's one fat pussy.

"Nicole?" I look up and she looks from CJ to me, "Can we take a break from the IVF for a bit? I really I hate the shots and I think it would be good money wise."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea, we can do it again whenever you're ready."

Two weeks later still Waverly's POV

"Bye baby, I'm going to work. Nicole says and kisses my nose."

"My babe remember dinners at 6." I say with my eyes still closed and half-asleep, then I hear the bedroom door close.

20 minutes later

I jolt awake from my sleep, man I don't feel good. I get out of bed and run to the bathroom I kneeled over the toilet and threw up. I don't understand what's going on I was fine a minute ago. I stood up and looked at the calendar over the toilet, me and Nicole used to track our periods. I'm a week late. I just stood there staring at it, I took a test and it came back negative I don't understand. I walk over to the white medicine cabinet over the sink and grab a spare pregnancy test. I took the test and flipped it over I went into the bedroom and looked at the time on my phone, it was 7:15 am. I set a timer and checked my Instagram while I waited. That timer went off, so I got up and grab the pregnancy test and flipped it over.

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