You promised

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This story is angsty, and there is a character death sorry

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This story is angsty, and there is a character death sorry. By the picture, I'm guessing you know who's not gonna make it. If you don't wanna read it I get it, also this is an AU there's no curse.

Gun shots
Waverly POV

Omg, omg, I say to myself, I was just leaving the fertility clinic with Nicole when I heard gun shots. We've been trying to have babies for a while, we both decided that I would carry the baby because of Nicole's line of work. I knew trying to get pregnant wouldn't be easy but damn it sucked we've tried about 9 times now. I felt the worst and worst every time I failed to get pregnant, I even told Nicole that it was ok if she wanted to leave me to someone who could give her children. Of course, Nicole being Nicole stuck with me and gave me so much support. Now it finally happened, after months of tears, promises, support, and failure we finally managed to get pregnant.


"Waverly Earp, I will stick by your side no matter what, I love you even if you can't get pregnant. We will find a way me and you together, I will always be by your side, I will always come back to you, I will never stop loving you, and I will be here to raise this baby with you. I promise."

End of flashback


I turn a corner to hind from whoever is shooting, people are running and screaming.

"Hey, Nic you ok?" I say but get no answer, I look to my side and I don't see her, where is she. " Nic?! Nic?! Where are you" I say coming out of where I was hiding, "Nic baby where are you?!" I get no answer and I start to panic, oh please no.

"Oh my, someone call an ambulance, this lady is shot!" I hear someone say, and I run towards the voice.

"Oh my god, Nic? Baby!" I say running over to her, she's laying in a pool of her own blood. There's some blonde lady over her body trying to stop the bleeding with a jacket. I crouch down next to her and cup her face with my hands, making sure she can see me.

"Hey, baby." She says with a weak smile, " She says through heavy breathing, she looks so pale. Fuck! This can't be happening!

"Baby listen to me everything is going to be ok, alright? You're gonna make it through this, we're gonna get through this together." I say, my voice breaking, I try to put on a smile but it hurts so much. I don't think it's very convincing with tears streaming down my face.

"Don't cry, baby." She says as she wiles my tears, I look at her wound and even more, blood flows out.

I look at the lady who's trying her best to stop the bleeding, "Excuse me miss." I say to her and she looks up at me, "Can you call my sister for me?" I ask getting my phone out my jean pocket. "And then 911, please?" and hold my phone out to her.

"Yes, of course, be sure to hold the jacket to the wound." She says taking the phone and standing up. I nod and put my hand where she had her's over Nicole's side, to try and stop the bleeding.

I look back down at Nicole and she looks even worst she did a minute ago. "Waves baby, I want to let you know that whatever happens, I love you so much." She says in a weak voice, and tears start going down her face and now it's my turn to whip them away.

"No Nicole, NO! THIS IS NOT HOW OUR STORY ENDS, WE'RE SUPPOSE TO GROW OLD TOGETHER, RAISE A FAMILY TOGETHER!" I take Nicole's hand and put it on my stomach before continuing. "HAVE THIS BABY TOGETHER, I CAN'T RAISE THIS BABY BY MYSELF, THIS BABY NEEDS YOU! I NEED YOU! YOU PROMISED ME REMEMBER!" More tears are flowing down our faces I look up and there is a crowd around us. Some of them are on the phone with I'm hoping is 911, I was going to start up again when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and it's, Wynonna.

"What the fetus happened to haughtshot, whoops to soon." Wynonna says, making Nicole laugh then she starts violently coughing, and more blood starts pooling out of her. I shoot a serious look at Wynonna that says 'What the fuck', "Sorry, " she says kneeling down to take over holding the jacket.

"Waverly, " Nicole says, and I look down at her, she looks in my eyes and puts one hand on my stomach and the other is cupping my cheek. "Waverly please make sure this baby knows who they're other mother was," She says through tears.

Nicole, please don't do this to me, we need you, you promised me, what happened to 'I will always be by your side, I will always come back to you, I will never stop loving you, I will be here to raise this baby with you'. I say looking into her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I won't be by your side. I'm sorry I won't come back to you. I'm sorry I won't be here to raise this baby with you. But, Waverly I did keep one promise through. She pauses, she's having a hard time breathing, after a few seconds she continues. " I have never stopped loving you, now know not ever, you are the only one for me." She says and turns to Wynonna who also has tears streaming down her face. Where is the damn ambulance?! "Wyn, promise you'll take care of them for me."

"Haughtsho-stuff, you know how I am with commitment." she jokes and then gets serious, "Of course ill take care of them." She finishes, and in the distance, I hear sirens, and I get to hope that Nicole will make it.

"Just a little longer baby I hear the ambulance." I say then look down at Nicole and she does not look good at all, she looks like a ghost.

"Baby, Waverly, I love- I love..." She tries to finish her sentence.

I shake my head baby, please save your strength." I say through tears

" need to...say this." she pauses m and lifts her head up a bit and she holds my hand. " I love you, so much." She says and I feel her hand start to go limp, and her head falls to the ground, then her eyes close.

"Nic baby wake up." her eyes don't open, Wynonna drops her hand from the blood-soaked jacket, and I start to lose it. "No, you're not leaving me!" I yell at Nicole and I put my hand on the bloody jacket and press on her wound. "NICOLE WAKE YOUR FUCKING ASS UP!!! Please, I need you." I say before breaking down, Wynonna comes and wraps her arms around me.

"Shhh, baby girl, shhh." Wynonna tries to comfort me. "It's gonna be ok."

I cry into her chest and grip onto her shirt. "I hate her, she promised me, Nonna, she promised."

Eight months later Waverly gives birth to a healthy baby girl which she names Rayleigh after Nicole.

So that was...SAD I cried so much writing this, what can I say I love angst. Sorry if I made you cry, also thanks for reading. I'm going on a trip this week so I won't be posting much if at all.

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