S2 E3: Ice Cream and a Broken Roof

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"Hey, guys, guess what?" "What, Summer?" Morty said.

"I can go on adventures with you!" "That's great, Summer!"

"I know, right?" "We'll pick you up later." Rick said.

"Okay, see you then!" "Bye!" Morty said, then hung up. "Now let's get Summer and get out of here."


"You know, Rick? I like you." Toxic Morty said to him.

"I like you too, Toxic Morty. Now let's go to the ice cream shop!"

"Wait, Rick! Aren't we supposed to pick up Summer?" Morty reminded Rick.

"Morty, we'll pick her up later. But for now, let's get some motherf**king ice cream!" Rick yells.

"Okay, Rick, geez!" Morty says.


"Mm! Now that was good s**t. Now let's go get Summer." Us four fly away back to the house.

"Rick?" You ask. "What Alissa?" Rick said. "Can you be good to me?" You say to him.

"Sure I will."

"Can I be good, too?" Toxic Morty asks.

"Nope at all, Toxic Morty." Rick tells him.


[30 minutes later...]

"Ugh, they still aren't home yet! This was a waste of- [CRASH]."

"What was that?" Summer peeks out of the door.

"What the hell grandpa Rick! You crashed through our roof! And who is that?"

"Toxic Mo[burps]orty." Rick burps.

"Is that one version of my brother toxic?" Summer asks. Some toxic goop of Toxic Morty slips off him.

"Yeah and don't touch him." Rick answers.

"This is getting too confusing!"

"Nevermind, just jump in." Rick says to her.

"Yay, okay!" Summer says and hopped in the front.

"Hi Alissa." She says to me. "Hi, Summer." I say, shyly waving.

"Great, let's go." Rick made another crack through the roof.

Jerry enters the living room and looks up at the now broken roof. "What the hell? Rick! Did you do this?!"


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