Chap 15: so close

Start from the beginning

"It is isn't, but I'd say I'm staring at something more beautiful." Jungkook rested his chin on his shoulder, arching his head to look at him.

Jimin blushes at the compliment, biting his lip, cheeks tinting a harsh red. He leans his head back, resting his body on Jungkook's strong one.

"That was really cheesy you know? Like something out of a rom com." Jimin giggles, sliding his hands arms over Jungkook's that were hanging by his waist.

Jungkook laughs, tightening his hold, pushing him deeper into his body. He pushes his chin harder in his shoulder, his lips brush subtly over the side of his neck.

"Might be cheesy but it's true, you are so beautiful Jimin. You deserve to be told that, every single day so you don't forget." Jungkook's breath tingled his skin, his words heating his body, warming his veins.

He was never one to take a compliment, always found it awkward and grew embarrassed. So getting compliment after compliment from Jungkook was a new sensation. His body couldn't take it, his skin felt hot and cheeks flushed. He just hides his face in his shoulder, laughing to himself because he was so happy.

"You need to stop, I'm red enough as it is." Jimin wines, his fingers playing with Jungkook's that sat on his stomach.

Jungkook swears he only gets cuter, he begins tickling his sides which resulted in Jimin bursting into a fight of giggles begging him to stop.

"Jung-Kook!....stop please-ha." Jimin squirms in his arms, trying to remove his fingers that dig into his sides.

Jungkook doesn't, he keeps going until Jimin found the strength to push him away. He turns around, playfully glaring at him before chasing after him.

"I'm going to get you for that!" Jimin screams, running through the sand, flicking it behind him as he raced to catch him.

Jungkook laughs as he runs, turning back to stick his tongue out. They run down the long sandy beach, both laughing as the sun goes down, sand flies everywhere.

"You'll never catch me with those short legs of yours Jimishi." Jungkook teases him, his hair flowing in the gentle breeze that passed him.

This spurs Jimin on, he starts sprinting after him, determine to catch him to prove him wrong. With a strong look in his eyes he chases him down, before he knew it he's jumping on him, they both tumble to the sandy ground. Jimin's body falls on his, their laughter fills the air, giddy from all the excitement. It dies down when they catch their breaths, Jimin looks down to meet his milky eyes. His breathing stops, realising just how close they were, lips so close if he moved slightly they'd touch.

Jungkook's eyes explored his face, finding their place on his lips. He licks his own, deciding whether to go for it, do what his instincts told him or to stop now before anything happened. Jimin felt his body working on its on, he starts leaning in, gulping down his courage to make the first move. Jungkook brought his head up, his arms reaching for him. Just as their lips brush against each other, hovering so teasingly close they were both breathing the same air the moment gets ruined by the sound of Jimin's phone ringing.

Jimin lets out a low groan, cursing whoever was calling him. He slowly reaches into his back pocket, lifting himself off Jungkook slightly to answer the call.

"Hello?" Jimin huffs into the phone, looking down at Jungkook who was smiling up at him.

"Sweetie where are you? It's getting late, would you mind coming back home?" His mother's voice rings through the line, it was soft yet sweet with a hint of worry.

Jimin pouts at that, he looks down to Jungkook, lifting up his wrist to look at his watch. It read 10:27, guess it was later than he thought it was.

"Okay mum, we're heading back now. Sorry I didn't realise it was so late." Jimin wanted to be mad at her for spoiling his chance to kiss Jungkook but he knew how relaxed she was with everything and it was only fair for her to be worried.

"That's okay sweetie, hope your little date went well. I need to hear all the gossip." She giggles, Jimin rolls his eyes before ending the call.

"I've got to go, mum wants us back." Jimin stares down at him with a frown, though Jungkook only smiles as he looks at his watch.

"Shit! It's later than I thought, I need to get you home gorgeous." Jungkook lightly pushes Jimin up, holding his hands while they pull each other up, patting the sand off their clothes.

Jimin still has a pout on his face, they didn't get to kiss and he was not happy about it. Jungkook sees that, he pulls Jimin in, wrapping his arm around his waist as he walks them back down the beach and to his car. Jimin rested his head on his shoulder, enjoying his warmth, his warm body pressing into him felt amazing.

"This was fun, I really enjoyed taking you out Jimin. I really do like spending time with you." Jungkook said when they made it back to his house, they had held hands the entire ride, Jimin refusing to let go.

"Me too Jungkook, I had an amazing time thank you so much." Jimin kept his hand firm in Jungkook's grasp, squeezing it.

"Come on, I'll walk you to the door." Jungkook opens his door, releasing his grip as he got out.

He goes round, opening Jimin's door then taking back his hand in his. Jimin's smile widens at that, they walk slowly to his door, Jimin not wanting to go because it meant he couldn't hold his hand. Jungkook stops walking when the get to his front door, he looks to him with a soft smile.

"Would you mind if we did this again? If we start doing those teaching sessions again, you were doing so well, picking up Korean so quickly." Jungkook brushes back a stray hair, using it as an excuse to touch him.

"I would love that, and love to keep learning Korean if you're willing to teach me." Jimin chews at his bottom lip, growing flustered.

"Of course Jimin, every Wednesday and Friday you can come to my house to study. Then maybe afterwards I can take you out on dates, we can go for walks with our dogs." Jungkook grew excited the longer he talked, feeling his chest swell.

Jimin smiles, nodding frantically as that idea sounded like something out of his dreams. Jungkook smiles to, bringing him in closer by the waist.

"I'll see you Wednesday then." Jungkook whispered into his ear, Jimin runs his hands through the back of his hair.

"Why can't I see you tomorrow? It's Saturday I won't have school." Jimin tries to sound seducing, hoping it will work.

Jungkook just laughs, turning his head to leave a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Thought I'd give you the weekend off, but if you're lucky I might see you." Jungkook's thumb rubs his cheek, Jimin gulps as a rush of heat flows through his cheeks.

Jimin leans closer to him, twitching his head so he could stare at him. Their bodies pressed into each other, lips so close he goes to touch them. Their lips were nearly there, Jimin could almost taste his sweet lips on his but clearly fate was not on his side as the sound of his front door swings open.

"Are you going to fuck on the porch or are you coming inside?" Caleb's irritating voice sounds, breaking the mood.

"Caleb!" Jimin pushes himself away from Jungkook, screaming at his brother.

Jungkook only laughs, Jimin didn't find it funny as his brother always found a way to ruin his life.

"I should go, you need to get your sleep. I'll come round tomorrow, we can go for a walk okay?" He gently lifts Jimin's chin, giving him a quick almost nonexistent kiss on the lips.

Jimin stood there stunned, Jungkook waves Caleb goodbye before waking down their driveway to his own house. Jimin reaches up to touch his lips, a huge grin plastered.

"Calm down Jim, not like he fucked you or anything it was only a kiss." Caleb snickers, Jimin stares at him with such rage Caleb knew to start running.

"Caleb you asshole!" He runs into the house, slamming the door to hunt down and murder his brother.

I know! What a tease😱 hehe it's about time I string the smut out, going to make it when they do finally do it so spectacular ✨

Love you me honeybuns

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