"Hey, not so fast. It's alright, come in here." Andy said, closing his laptop.

Chandler peaked his head in slightly.

"U-um I'm okay, I just uh...h-had a dream a-and...I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Chandler replied quickly.

"Chandler come here." Andy said. Chandler sighed and walked in and Andy patted the spot on the bed next to him.

Chandler sat down. "I was hoping you'd be asleep. I'm sorry." He said, looking at his lap.

"Why don't you ever ask for help, Chandler? Are you embarrassed?" Andy asked. "I-I guess that's a part of it. I just...I know these are my problems and I know I need to deal with them...and I don't want to drag anyone along with them and like...I'm already invading your home and..." Chandler shook his head, ashamed.

"Stop right there, you're not invading anyone's home, kid. This is your home. This is our home, me, Payton, and yours. You and Payton, you're my kids. Okay? I'm not your dad, no, but you're my kid just as much as Payton is. And I love you." Andy said.

Chandler looked up at him, a tear falling down his face and he threw his arms around Andy.

He cried softly into Andy's shoulder.

"I love you too, Andy." He whispered.

At school

Chandler was walking down to guidance like every other day when he heard soft crying coming from the bathroom.

He hesitantly walked in, seeing a boy curled into a ball in the corner.

The boy lifted his head up, to reveal Jared, eyes red and puffy with a huge, purple bruise on his temple.

"Dude what happened to you?" Chandler asked, walking quickly towards Jared. "Why do you care?" Jared asked. He tried to sound angry, but his voice broke half way through.

Chandler ignored his question. "Who did that to you?" He asked.

"You gave me a concussion and you're worried about who gave me a bruise? Really? Get your priorities straight Russell. And leave me alone."

"I gave you a concussion because you deserved it. I'm not doubting you deserved that bruise too, but maybe not." Chandler sighed.

"He hit me because I like boys, so yeah. I deserved it alright? Please just leave me alone." Jared admitted.

"You deserve to get hit in the face for saying my girlfriend should be dead. You don't deserve to be hit in the face for being gay. It's different." Chandler said.

"Did you even read that stupid notebook? All the things I wrote? You do realize they were about you, right? Why are you being nice to me? Why aren't you disgusted?" Jared exclaimed, getting annoyed.

"Because I don't care what you are or who you like. I know how it feels to sit on the bathroom floor and cry because no one's on your side, okay? I get it. A-and yeah you've done stuff to me, but so has Zay. And look at him now. People change. Whoever hit you, he can change too." Chandler explained.

Jared got off the floor.

"Dads don't change. I'm sure you know that." He whispered.

"They can. I promise you they can. Does he only hit you?" By this point, Chandler was sitting beside Jared on the floor.

Jared's bottom lip wobbled as he nodded.

"C'mon, you need to tell someone." Chandler said and stood up. "N-no I can't. My mom doesn't have a job, We'll be homeless. Please don't say anything." Jared begged.

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