Chapter 36

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Trigger Warning

Third Person POV

Chandler woke up at 4 am sweating, jolting upright in his bed. As he drew his knees up to his chest, he thought about the dream he had just had.

A single tear slid down his cheek, realizing that this dream was probably the scariest he's ever had.

(Beginning of dream)

Chandler and Laura were in a small closet. "I don't know where we are." Laura whispered to Chandler, shaking.

"It's okay, Laura. We'll get out of here." Chandler replied, squeezing her hand.

Suddenly they heard a loud bang, then footsteps. Laura flinched visibly, and Chandler wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

The door swung opened to see Keith, alive and covered in blood.

"I'm taking the girl." He smirked as he grabbed Laura's shoulder and and pulled her up roughly.

"No! Don't touch her!" Chandler screamed. He grabbed Chandler up too, and Chandler tried to fight back but his limbs felt like jello.

He then shoved Laura into some room, then dragged Chandler somewhere else.

"Please, please don't hurt her." Chandler cried desperately. Keith took Chandler to an open room, then he saw them.

His family.

Andy and Payton, laying on the floor dead, surrounded in a pool of their own blood. " no no please!" Chandler sobbed.

Then the scene changed all of a sudden, and Chandler was locked in a closet tied up.

He heard people talking outside of the closet and tried to listen in.

"D-don't....please don't!" He heard Laura cry, his heart ached. He was gonna kill whoever was making her suffer.

"You sound just like your little boyfriend did..." The sick man laughed.

This is what made Chandler start pounding on the door. "Don't touch her! Get away from her!" He screamed, but no one heard him.

What came nexts made Chandler want to die.

He heard the sick laugh Keith taunted her with.

He heard Laura's cries and pleas.

He heard everything.

And then, a gunshot.
(End of dream)

Chandler buried his face into his knees. He shook uncontrollably as silent tears slid down his face.

"It was just a dream Chandler, man up. C'mon man up." He whispered to himself as he tried to fight the tears.

If I could just see them I'd be alright. Chandler decided as he got out of his bed.

He slowly and quietly peeked into Payton's room, sighing in relief to see her sleeping peacefully.

Next stop, Andy's room. He had to be careful with him, he was a very light sleeper.

Plus Chandler just hoped he was asleep, lately he's been trying to catch up on some bills and paperwork.

He slowly tip-toed down the stairs and to Andy's room.

He cracked open the door to see Andy sitting on his bed and on his computer.

He looked up when he heard the door creak open. Chandler's eyes widened and he quickly backed away from the door.

Fake Smiles and Cut WristsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz