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I woke up to my phone ringing. I didnt even check the caller ID. "Hello?" I said groggily. "Where are you?" Said a rather annoyed voice. "Um, sleeping? Where are you?" I asked. "Well, I am at work." Oh, its Tori. "I heard you got fired yesterday. You havent shown up in three days in a row. I got you the job, I put my name on you. I recommended you. You know how bad that looks for me!" She was pretty mad. "Im sorry torr i-" "Oh dont torr me." She said mocking me. "Im sorry but im actually not home right now." I explained. "Well where are you?" She asked. "In Cheshire." I said slowly. "Your family finally decided to visit!" She sounded excited. "Not exactly. Im here with the boys." "You're with the boys?" She asked quietly. "Yeah." "Well, I need to go." She said quickly and hung up before I could say anything else. "That was weird." I mumbled to myself. I turned to look at Harry but when I turned, he wasnt there. I sat up and started down the stairs when I smelled bacon. I ran down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen where I saw Harry cooking and Anne trying to help him. "Get out of my kitchen!" He finally said and she turned to walk away, she looked at me and smirked. I laughed. "Oh hey." Harry said looking at me. He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the table, where a nice place was set for me to sit. "Its so cute." I said. There was a candle in the middle of the table. "Just thought I would cheer you up. Or at least try." I had forgotten til now. I could tell he knew, because when my face dropped he looked so sorry. I tried to smile and choked out "Its okay." and then Harry brought me some bacon. "Here I know food makes you feel better." He said laughing quietly. "Thanks." I mumbled. After I finished eating, I went for a shower. I got dressed and then curled into Harrys blankets. I always felt safe when I was with him or in Cheshire. Then I remembered the text message. What was going on. I felt a hot tear stream down my face. "Sydney?" I heard Harry say. I looked up and he was standing at the door way. I looked at him and nodded. He came over and sat beside me. He put his arm around me and I cried. I miss Colby. More than I ever thought I would.

*Nikkis POV (colbys sis)*

I pounded my fist against the door for the fourth time. "Colby, you need to get out of your room!" I yelled. He didnt answer. "Thats it." I said as I opened the door. He was laying in his bed and he looked like he hadnt seen sunlight since yesterday morning. "I know she hurt you but-" "Sh!" He said as he pressed replay on his ipod. I grabbed it and looked at the song: Sunday Mornings - Maroon 5. I rolled my eyes. "You need to talk to her." I said before he could cut me off. I am the same age as Sydney. There might have been a misunderstanding. Ive had a few boyfriends myself and I know how things can get. "Why, she obviously doesnt care about me." I rolled my eyes and got up and walked to his dresser. I grabbed a photo of him and Sydney in her room snuggling on her bed. I smiled and handed it to him. He grabbed it and just stared at it. A tear slipped from his eye and trailed down his face. That is the first time I ever saw my big buff brother cry. I felt so bad. I continuted to stare at my brother. Another tear fell down his face. "Hey, ill go get you a drink." I said then got off the bed.

*Colbys POV*

Once Nikki left the room, the anger took over. I could tell something switched inside me. I felt like my eyes had just turned red. I clutched the picture and took one last hard look. Then I chucked it at the wall. The glass shattered and the picture ripped in half. I got off the bed and pulled on some jeans. Screw Sydney.

*Nikkis POV*

I heard a crash. I quickly grabbed the glass of water and ran up the stairs. I flew open the door and stopped. There was glass shattered on the ground and Colby wasnt anywhere to be found.

*Sydneys POV*

"Do you want to go home?" Harry asked me. "I dont know Harry. I dont want to leave you and the boys but I think I need to be at home right now." He nodded. "Thats okay." He said understanding. "We will drive you to the airport tomorrow after the show?" He asked. "Yeah thats fine." I answered. We sat there for a little while and then we packed. We drove back to the bus and then the boys said they wanted to go out to the arcade. I told them to go without me, that I wanted to sleep a bit longer. Once they left, I sat on the couch and tried to call Colby. All I got was, "This is Colby, and if im not picking up, im probably either playing hockey or with my lovely girlfriend Sydney 'Heyyy;' So catch me later." I cant believe I did that to him. He didnt deserve that. I love him and I need him. I cant function without my love. As soon as I get home, I will go and find him.

You Only Want Me When Im Taken : Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now