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I ran out of Harry's room and ran to Louis and Niall's room. I opened the door. Niall was still sleeping and he looked so cute. He was laying on his side, facing me, and he had a bottle of water curled up to his chest and a bag of chips beside him. I laughed quietly, trying not to wake anybody. Then I saw louis' bed. Him and Tori were sleeping still too. Louis had his arm around her side. I knew she was still asleep because I heard her little snore. I walked into the room and shut the door slowly. I ran as fast as I could and jumped onto there bed. I landed right ontop of both of them. "Ugh!" Louis groaned. "What is your problem Sydney?" Tori asked rubbing her eyes and sitting up. I pushed myself between Louis and Tori. Louis groaned again. "So, it sucks were leaving today huh?" I said pretending to looking sad. "Oh hey Sydney." Niall said sitting up. "Just saying how much it sucks that we have to leave in a few hours." I shrugged my shoulders. "What! Your leaving?" Louis said looking straight at tori. "Yeah" Tori said quietly. They both looked so sad. I couldnt do it anymore. "Tori, can I talk to you?" I said taking her hand. She nodded and got off the bed. I led her into the bathroom. I shut the door and sat on the edge of the tub. I crossed my hands and smiled so wide. "What Sydney?" Tori asked. "How are you smiling? We just met these amazing boys and now we have to leave. What is there to smile about?" I could tell she was annoyed. "We're staying." I whispered. "What?" She said furrowing her brow. "We are staying!" I shrieked. She got so excited. She jumped into my arms and we fell back into the tub. We were laughing until we fell. I hit my head on the back of the tub. I yelped in pain, my arms still around Tori. "Are you okay!" She asked looking sorry. "Yeah its fine"The door flew open. Louis and Niall came in. There eyes wide. "What happened?" Louis asked looking kind of scared. "We're staying!" Tori yelled. She quickly got out of the tub and jumped into Louis arms. I was feeling kind of dizzy. "Are you okay?" Niall said as he held out his hand. I took it and he helped me out. "Yeah I think." I said quietly. "Well, im glad your staying. I had fun the other day." He said smiling. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. "Well, I say we celebrate." Niall said letting go of me. "Yeah, we are celebrating tonight, but first, I say we go back to sleep!" Louis added. I told them all I'd come see them after. I walked back to Harry's room to find him sleeping again. I slowly made my way back to the bed and sat down. I took out my laptop and went to skype. Then I felt a warm breath on my neck. "Who you calling?" Harry said. "I was going to call my friends but, it can wait." I said smiling. I shut my laptop and set it on the table. I turned back to Harry and said "thanks again haz, we really appreciate it." He smiled and hugged me. He pulled me so close. I took a deep breath. mmm, the wonderful smell of my bestfriend. I felt his hand on the back of my head. He slowly pulled away from me. His face was kind of pale. "Harry whats wrong?" He showed me his hand. There was blood all over his hand. My hand quickly flew to the back of my head. My hand was moist. "It must have been when I hit my head on the tub." I said. "You hit your head on the tub? When?" Harry looked frantic. "It was a long story. Can you get me a wet cloth and ill be fine" I said closing my eyes. He nodded and quickly got up. He came back and put the cloth on my head. I winced. "Am I hurting you?" He asked. "Its okay." I said. I leaned into him and closed my eyes.

After about an hour, I opened my eyes and Harry was still there holding the cloth to my head. "Hey cupcake, feeling better?" I nodded. "Thanks." Harry set the cloth to the side and said "Hey look at that, your head stopped bleeding, its your lucky day!" I laughed. "Thanks for everything!" I said wrapping my arms around him tight. "So, apparently we're celebrating tonight. Niall stopped by to see how you were while you were asleep." He said. "Yup, get your party on." I laughed. "Oh youve never partied until you party with One Direction." Harry said laughing. My laptop rang. It was probably Mel and Eva. I grabbed my laptop and opened it. "Hey girl ho- oh. Harry. Harry Styles right?" Mel said coldly. "Hey Mel, its been forever!" Harry said smiling pretending like he didnt notice her hate. "Yeah, um one minute. Eva!" She yelled. Eva came into view. Her face dropped. "I see you two are friends again." She said. I smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Well, I think I will go and get dressed. You want anything to eat?" Harry said to me. "Surprise me." I said smiling. He got off the bed and went into the bathroom. "He's not dressed!" Mel shrieked at me. "He's wearing pjs!" I defended him. "Sydney, the last time I talked to you, you were crying, and now your sleeping in the same bed as him as if you guys were best friends again." Eva said. "Yeah, well, I don't know. He just, you know I missed him and now I had a chance to get him back, I was going to take it!" I said again. "Yeah and remember how long it took for us to help you!" Mel shot back at me. I just looked down. "Just remember, he forgot you like you were a bug on a windshield, what makes your think he wont do it again?" Mel said coldly. I gulped. "Okay, ill be right back!" Harry yelled as he left the bathroom and walked out the door. I smiled at him and looked back to Eva and Mel. "Just be careful okay?" Eva said calmly. "Whatever." I said and rolled my eyes, before closing the conversation.

You Only Want Me When Im Taken : Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now