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The next day when I woke up, my mom called me down stairs. "Yeah ma?" I said. "You've got something in the mail." She said handing me an envolope. Wow, that was fast. I opened it and there they were. The two tickets to One Direction. I couldn't believe I was doing this. She'd better appreciate these. I smiled and went upstairs. I was sitting on my bed, just staring at them when my annoying thirteen year old brother poked his head through the door. "What you want?" I asked. "Nothing, just talking to my girlfriend on the phone." He said winking at me. I heard some yelling on the other end of the line. I jumped off my bed and ripped it away from my brother "Im so sorry Torr." I said. "Get out now!" I yelled at my brother. He just backed out the door with a smug look on his face. My brother has the biggest crush on Tori ever. "Ugh, that little twerp." Tori said laughing. "So, I already got you your birthday present!" I said squeeling. "Really? Can I have it? It will only be a few days early! Please!" She said yelling into the phone. I laughed "Yeah sure, also as part of your present, I'll be taking you to the Olive Garden. You can see your gift there." She squeeled into the phone. I laughed and said "Okay, I'll be at your house in an hour?" I said sitting back down on my bed. "Okay, thanks Sydney, you're the best friend ever!" I smiled and hung up the phone. I ran down the street to pick up a bag of socks from the corner store.

Once I got home I quickly hopped in the shower and applied my makeup. I threw on a pair of tights and a nice tank top. I grabbed my purse and shoved the socks and the tickets in. I jogged down the stairs and yelled, "Mom, I'm taking Tori out for birthday dinner, be back later" "Where are you going?" She said walking into the kitchen. "Olive Garden." "Bring me back some mints!" Luke yelled from the stairs. "Eaves dropping I see." I said back. "Yeah, see you." And I was out the door.

I hopped in my car and put my purse in the back seat. "No going back now." I said to myself as I pulled out of my driveway. When I got to Tori's,  she ran out and she looked amazing. She hopped in the passenger seat. "Hey." I said. "Hi syd." She said smiling. "I cant wait to see my present." I smiled back at her and said "And I cant wait to see your face, when you see the present." We turned up the radio and of corse, WMYB came on. I was about to change the station when Tori smacked my hand and then started singing at the top of her lungs. I put my hood up and laughed. She was crazy. Once that song was over she was out of breath. She grabbed a water bottle that was sitting in the cup holder. "You're crazy girl." I said laughing out loud now. "Only for the boys." She said smiling from ear to ear. She really loved them. I rolled my eyes and kept driving.

When we arrived, we only had to wait about ten minutes which was pretty good seeing as I didn't make reservations. We got a booth for the two of us. "So when do I get this 'amazing' present of yours?" "Wow, miss eager! Wait until we finish eating." She huffed but I couldn't help myself from smiling. I had fettecuni and she had lasagna, but first we both had a soup and salad. She chose the soup. I had the salad."Okay, thats it. I need to see my present. I just can't take it any longer!" She said. I laughed and finally gave in. "Okay fine." I said. I took out the birthday bag. She grabbed it slowly and an examined it. I could see her getting her hopes up. She quickly began to empty the bag. Her face dropped. "You werent kidding. You got me a bag of socks .." She looked so dissapointed. I was about to burst with laughter. She set the bag on the table and started sipping her soup again quietly. "Why dont you look in the middle of the sock bag?" I said. She obviously didnt expect there to be anything special. She rolled her eyes but obliged. She reached her hand in the bag and put a big spoonful of soup in her mouth. She pulled out the two tickets. Her eyes went wide and she spit soup everywhere. I started laughing. A couple people were staring at us. "Ah! You did not. You are the best best friend anyone could ever have. I love you. I love you. I love you." She screamed at the top of her lunges. Now everyone was staring at us now. "Sit down." I whispered to her. She was hyperventalating. She wearily sat down, looking dazed. Then she looked at the tickets again. Her mouth went wide all over again. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Sydney, I cant believe it. You didn't just get us tickets on the first deck, you got us backstage passes!" I think my face drained from all its color. "Let me see those!" I yelped, yanking the tickets from her. What had I gotten myself into! I couldn't face Harry, I just couldn't do it. I had gotten him out of my life and if I saw him again, I think I would break down. "Excuse me miss?" The waiter came up to us. "Yes?" "We are going to have to ask you two to leave." He said. we grabbed our stuff and laughed all the way home.

It was getting late so I dropped her off at home. "See you tomorrow." She said. "Yeah, I guess we will leave at noon?" I said. We had to leave at noon so we would get there by like eleven at night. We would have a day to look around and then the concert and the backstage passes. "Okay, thanks again Sydney, it really means the world to me." She said, I could've sworn I saw a tear dripping down her cheek now. "Its nothing Torr, if it really means that much to you, I would do anything." I hugged her tightly and then watched her disappear into her house. I raced home. As soon as I got home I raced upstairs. Luke peeped his head into my room. "You get me any mints?" He asked. I chucked three mints at him and closed my door. I grabbed my laptop and skype called Eva. She answered. She was smiling, but her smile disappeared quickly when she saw the fear in my eyes. "Hun whats wrong? Wait, wait a sec" She got Mel on the line too. "What happened?" Mel asked. I explained how I bought her tickets and thats all I meant to buy. "But they're backstage passes too!" I started crying, thinking about all the emotions that would surface when I see Harry. "Don't cry hun." Eva said. "How can I not cry? I don't want to see Harry." "Then don't." Mel said straight out. "But I cant back out now." "Just say you need to go to the washroom and just stay there for a long time, by the time you come out, you will have to leave." Mel said like it was an everyday thing. I laughed, "Yeah, okay thanks Mel." "You will be okay love." Eva said. "Thanks Eva, Mel, You guys are the best friends a girl could ever have!" "Yeah we know." Mel said laughing. "Okay, now you get some rest." Eva said. "Goodnight guys." I said as I ended the call. I put my laptop on the bedside table and laid down on my bed. I needed a good sleep. Tomorrow I was heading out to Toronto to see my old best friend that I loved, Harry Styles.

You Only Want Me When Im Taken : Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now