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I woke up the next morning with an upset stomach. I dragged myself out of bed and took a quick shower to try to calm my nerves. Once I got out, I got dressed and packed my bags. I grabbed my bags and hopped in my car. "Im on my way." I said into the phone. I pulled into Tori's driveway. She came running out of her house yelling. She hopped in the car. We cranked the radio and got onto the highway. Tori opened the sun roof, stuck her head out and yelled "Toronto, here we come!" I laughed and pulled her back in the car. After a couple hours of driving, Tori was asleep with her head against the window.

"Were at the hotel. Get up sleepy head!" I said shaking Tori. Tori lifted her head and looked around. "We're here?" She said in her little sleepy voice. I nodded and got out of the car. I went around the car and opened the trunk. I grabbed my bags and waited for Tori to get hers. She groggily got out and stumbled into the hotel. "Hi, Sydney and Tori. I have a room rented for a couple of nights." I said. She looked at her computer and then handed me a key card. I grabbed it and headed for the elevator. Tori followed. She was totally out of it. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the room. When I opened the door Tori's eyes popped wide open and so did mine. "This is the room you got us!" Tori said smiling. "Um, they must have messed up the rooms, I'll go speak to them." I said turning around. "Sydney, its eleven-thirty, and look at this room! Why would you switch, cmon, lets just go to bed!" Tori said grabbing my arm. "Okay, can we at least look around before we go to bed?" I asked. She nodded and slowly started walking into a room. "Oh my god, Sydney. Look at this!" she yelled. I walked into the room and there was a hot tub! "Eep!" I screamed. We walked around the hotel room. This was an amazing room. "Okay, can we go to bed now?" Tori said. I smiled and nodded. There were two king sized beds. I hopped into one and fell fast asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Tori was still asleep. I took out my laptop and called Eva. "Hey Eva" I said. "Hey syd, where are you?" She said looking around the screen. "At a hotel, remember? Toronto, One Direction concert?" I said. She nodded and said "Oh yeah, sorry." Then in the background I heard "Hey, babe? You ready to go?" It was Adam. Then he came in front of the camera. "Oh hey, how are you Sydney?" I smiled. "I'm good. I guess ill leave you two. Eva, ill call you after my night?" "Yeah, I want all the details okay!" She said smiling. I waved and then shut the laptop. "Hey, was that Eva?" I looked at Tori who was now sitting up in bed and putting her hair in a pony tail. "Yeah, you want to go out for breakfast?" "Yeah just let me get ready." We went out for breakfast and then we decided to go shopping for an outfit for the concert. "Hmm, what about this one?" Tori asked holding up an orange top.
"Hate to break it to you but orange is not your color sorry." I said laughing. I found a top that had the british flag on it. "Oh, im going to wear this!" It was a crop top. "That's really cute! And it gives me a great idea!" She said. I went into the changing room and changed into the top. I was about to come out when Tori threw a pair of black, ripped shorts over the door. "Put those on with it!" she said. So I put them on and stepped out of the changing room. Tori came out of hers a minute after. She was wearing the same shorts with a crop top with the irish flag on it. "Why the irish flag?" I asked. "Because, Niall, the blonde one, is Irish!" She half yelled. "I dont know if I should get it." I said looking in the mirror. Then I heard some whistling from behind me. I turned around and a group of teenage boys were standing behind me hollering. I smiled and blushed and then turned to Tori, "I guess that answers your question." She said. I laughed and changed back into my clothing. After we paid, we ate lunch. "Okay, the concert is at 7:30 so we have to be there for 6." She said. My jaw dropped "6? why!" "Because, we have to get there early!" I groaned and then walked back to my car. We got back to the hotel room and I sat on this big expensive sofa."I think I should go tell the receptionist about the room mix up." I said. "Cmon Sydney, we are only here for two more days! It'll be fine!" Tori argued. I rolled my eyes and put my headphones in. Tori spent the whole afternoon putting on her makeup. Then I got ready. "Okay okay, we need to go!" she shouted. Again, i groaned as she pulled me out of the hotel.

We arrived at the centre so early, but the arena was already half full. "How did we get in this early?" I asked. "Our tickets had soundcheck on them, so they will do soundcheck and we can listen!" She shrieked. "Ugh, what dont these tickets have?" I said. She laughed and then they came on stage. I tried to hide my face as much as possible. Tori was screaming the whole time. Man that girl was loud! Finally they went off stage. I told her I had to go to the washroom. I went and got a soft pretzel and a drink. I bumped into someone on the way back to my seat. My drink spilt everywhere, but luckily it didnt get on me. "Hey, im so sorry." The guy said. "Yeah its fine." I replied coldly. "Ill buy you a new drink." He offered. It took me a moment but I noticed that he was one of the boys that was on stage. I didn't know which one. "Okay." I said as we walked back to the stand. He bought me a new drink and walked me to the entrance of the seats. "Wow, im suprised you didnt go crazy." He said with a smile on his face. "Um, lets just say im not really your biggest fan." "Oh? Yet your at our concert and came for the soundcheck? Interesting, oh well. I dont know if you know this than but, im Liam Payne." He said holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you but I better get going, my friend is waiting." I said and then turned on my heel. I went back to my seat. "You took long enough. Yum, pretzel." Tori said taking a bite. While we waited for the show to start, Tori was telling me all about the boys. Of corse I knew all of the things she said about Harry. When she said that he loved cats, I thought about how attached he was to my cats when he was younger. They seemed to love him too. I laughed when she mentioned that. "I know im not supposed to have a favourite. but I really love Louis." She said blushing. "Okay, so what ar-" I started but then the lights went off and the crowd went crazy. The boys came out and sung there first song. I was the one that was dazed now. Harry, his voice was better than I remembered and damn did he ever look good. All my emotions of when he left me came flooding back. I started crying. "Sydney? Why are you crying?" Tori asked looking worried. "Its nothing." I said, quickly wiping my tears. Then I thought about how he had forgotten me so easily and all I had was anger in me. I just sat back in my chair and tried to make it through the concert. I thought about it long and hard and I had no feelings left for Harry. Im not sure how I didn't, but I didnt like Harry anymore. Just knowing how low he was capable of making me feel was enough to turn me away. Finally the boys did their final song and the crowd cheered and cried and laughed. Slowly everyone left the arena and Tori lead me backstage. "Oh my god, this is it Sydney! This is it!" She said clutching my arm. I took a deep breath and entered the room. Four of them were sitting on a couch in the room laughing about something, but Harry was no where to be found. "Hey girls, um Harry should be here soon, the mates just getting changed." Said one of them and by the look that Tori had in her eye, I guessed he was Louis. I knew Liam and the blonde one was Niall so that meant the other one was Zayn. "Hey, its pretzel girl." Liam said happily. He got up and hugged me. "Wait, you two know each other?" Tori said with a confused look on her face. "No. Liam just bumped into me and spilt my drink everywhere earlier." I said smugly. "Nice one" Niall said nudging him. Niall was pretty good looking. "Adorable outifts love." Louis said to me. "Thanks." I said. "And I love yours." Niall said to Tori. She blushed. I could tell she was trying so hard not to faint or lose consiousness. I was holding back laughter. The more I talked to and learned about the boys, the more I liked them. They were just laid back normal lads, well very good looking lads but still normal and down to earth. Me and Niall were having a conversation about the kind of music I liked and stuff when I heard Harry's voice echoing down the hall. My heart pounded. I couldnt do it. Then I remembered what Mel said. "Ill be back, I need to use the washroom." I said quickly and ran the other way. Before reaching the washroom I heard Niall say "Harry, you just missed this really hot brunette, she should be back soon." Then Harry replied "Cant wait to meet her." I could almost hear his cheeky smiled. I ran into the washroom and splashed water on my face. I cant do this. I just paced back and forth for a long time. I had been in the washroom for a while when finally the door opened and Tori came in. "What are you doing in here?" She asked. I quickly said "Um, redoing my makeup?" Nice excuse Sydney. "Well, hurry up! Cmon now, Harrys back! I cant wait for you to meet him. I think you guys will really hit it off, you guys have a ton in common, cmon!" More in common than you know. "Wait Tor-" I said but I got cut off by Tori covering my mouth with her hand and dragging me out of the bathroom. I was getting dragged down the hallway. Then she pulled me around the corner. My back was still to the boys. Then Niall said "Hey, here she comes. Harry thats her." Then I heard footsteps behind me. Tori squeezed my arm and then went to go sit with Louis. Then I felt a hand go on my shoulder. "Im Harry, and you are?" He said in a low husky voice. I closed my eyes. My breath caught in my throat, I could feel the tears coming, I took one last deep breath, opened my eyes and turned around. Harrys face went white. "Sydney?" He said weakly. I saw the tears forming in his eyes too.

You Only Want Me When Im Taken : Harry StylesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu