Chapter Seven

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A soft groan escapes Alex as she curls up on the couch, she'd been feeling contractions all day since Lena and Kara both left for work. She squeezed her eyes closed and placed her hand on her stomach.

"Baby, I'm home." Lena calls out as she walks through the front door.

"Lena, help." Alex begged. "The baby is coming."

The brunette instantly drops her purse and moves over to Alex. "Are you sure?"

Alex nodded. "I'm sure."

"Okay, let's go." Lena says softly, getting up.

Alex nodded slowly. "My overnight back is on the bed... call Kara."

"Okay." Lena says softly, grabbing her phone and dialing Kara while moving to the bed to grab Alex's overnight bag.

Alex slowly sat up on the couch. She looked down at her stomach and began rubbing it. "You really know how and when to make an entrance."

"Kara will meet us at the hospital." Lena says as she walks over to Alex.

Alex nodded. "We should really go." She breathed through a contraction.

Ten hours later

Alex was sound asleep while Kara stood in front of a medical bassinet, staring down at the sleeping baby girl.

Lena sat on one of the chairs, her eyes closing and opening as she fought her sleep.

"She's tiny." Kara mumbles. She reached into the bassinet and gently rubbed the tiny girl's cheek with her finger.

The baby shifts slightly and her nose crinkles up but she remains sound asleep.

Kara smiled brightly.

A tired groan escapes Alex as she shifts on the bed.

Kara looked up at Alex. "You did it."

"Hmm?" The redhead mumbles, forcing her eyes open.

"Alex, she's beautiful." Kara said softly.

Alex slowly sits her bed up and looks at Kara through tired eyes. "She is, she has your eyes."

"And the rest of her is all you." Kara said, lifting the little girl up and carrying her over to Alex on the bed.

The baby begins squirming, releasing a soft grunt.

Kara placed the baby into Alex's arms.

Alex instantly smiles and looks down at the baby. "We have to name her."

"You already picked a name. What was it?" Kara asked.

The redhead's smile instantly grows. "Malani."

Kara smiled. "It's perfect for her."

Nodding her head, Alex watches as the baby sleeps.

Kara kisses Alex's head.

"Do you think we should call mom?" Alex asks, looking up.

Kara nodded and smiled softly. "Of course."

Malani shifts in Alex's arms and releases a soft cry.

Kara picked up her phone and left the room to call Eliza so that she didn't disrupt Lena's sleep.

Shifting the baby, Alex gently begins to rock her.

Malani releases another cry and nuzzles Alex's chest.

A soft smile crossed Alex's lips. "You're perfect."

Tired blue eyes lock on Alex before the baby relaxes and closes her eyes.

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