Chapter 1

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Annabelle get downstairs now!! My mother yelled at the top of her lungs. Today is my first day at a new school... A boarding school. I called up my best friend kiara. Hey kiara!!

Omgsh hey Annabelle !! I cant believe we have to go to this damn boarding school!At least we get to go to the same school. Kiara said. Are you ready to get picked im going to be there in 20 mins. I said.

I'm already ready I'm just waiting for you with my mom and my mom got you a little gift.

And with that the conversation ended and I was on my way to pick kiara up.

HEY Annabelle !! kiara yelled while running up to give me a hug.

Kiara you forgot something.Said kiaras mom.

No mom what would that be kiara said in a bored tone.

Your bags duh your not gonna have anything to change with.

Oh yeahh thanks mom. As kiara hugged kissed and said her goodbyes to her mother her mother called me over. Hey Annabelle i have a gift for you. 

I walked over and her mom handed me the new neme 5c P3.No i cant take this its so expensive . Look sweet heart its ok count it as your early birthday present and i wont take no for an answer so here you go her mother said playfully.

Hurry the fuck up!! Yelled my mother.

Hi ms. Teressa.

Hey kiara she said with a aggregated tone.

So i decided to irk my mom a bit and yell

Bye mom! To kiaras mom. 

Kiaras mom nancy saw what i was doing and laughed and yelled back

Bye daughter #1 and #2 I love you guys do all your work behave no boy trouble and see you guys on break!

My mom drove us away to our boarding school.

O. M. G Annabelle this is actually happening .

I know and it sucks.

So when we got to the school without a word from my mother she drove away me and kiara went to the front desk to find out what dorms we were in and what classes we had. Ok said laura the secratary Annabelle Alvarez and Kiara montonez  here are you class schedules and you two are both in room 16 Block D.

Me and kiara were so excited about being in the same dorm we just started jumping and screaming like little kids. I could tell laura was annoyed but I didn't care.

While me and kiara walked around to find our dorm we spotted two boys on the field near a tree shirtless talking to eachother laughing and throwing a football back and forth.

I didn't notice i was staring until one of them came up to me and asked "Do you like what you see?  He had a little smirk on his face.  I looked away in disgust and started to walk away when i noticed that kiara was already talking and getting to know the other boy .

Hey where you going said the boy getting closer to me.

Well im trying to find my dorm i said a bit annoyed but in all honesty he was really really hot. He had black hair green eyes with tints of blue and an amazing buff body.

Good bye now i said as i walked away.

While i was walking i felt something grab my phone out of my back pocket.

What the hell are you doing!!? I yelled.

Well im putting my number in your phone you should call me sometime maybe sent a nude or two he said with a grin.

I snatched my phone away and was full of disgust as i walked away to get kiara.

Hey dont forgot to call me sexy. He yelled out to me.

When i looked down at my phone his number was saved under the contact name Chase.

Did he really just call me sexy?!?

Me im just  5 foot 4 have long wavy brown hair,hazel green eyes and lightly tanned skin.

But anywhore i went to go get kiara but she was already running towards me with a huge grin on her face.

Now kiara is shorter then me shes 5'1 and she has medium black colored hair and blue as sky eyes .

She ran up to me yelling multiple things at once.

Omgsh!!!  I talked to the like nicest cutist boy ever like he is so sweet he called me beautiful and we got eachothers number and his room mate is chase and his name is Jason!!! Such a cute name right Annabelle !!

Are you ok??? She asked.

Yeah yeah im fine i replied .

She could

Tell i was not fine so she said i guess you're gonna tell me everything at the dorm?

Yup. Is all i said and with that we walked to our dorm in silence.


Ok so that is the end of the first chapter but if you guys like it please vote. If you have ideas for the next chapter me and my co author would love to know what they are. So comment

-lee xoxo

-kiara xoxo

Ps. And yes my co authors name is kiara and her character is actually based on her personality and annebelle is based on mine

Btw we will be updating every week or anytime we have the chance.

Thank you for reading xxx

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