An offer

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Crash didn't hear anything from the fabulous four, or from the twins that day. She thought she would be a little relieved to not have to take care of whiny toddlers and be able to gather herself, but she felt more lost then before. Cola sat with her almost all day long. He was a good companion. He was very smart, which Crash enjoyed very much. She always took a liking to more intelligent people. She felt that they had things to share more then just the drama and gossip that was running around.

That afternoon, Crash walked back to her old base. She told Dr. D that she was just going to grab some of her stuff, but it was more then that. She wasn't looking for things, but rather emotions. She was looking for that sense of "home" that she missed. As the young 'joy marched her way through the sand she couldn't help but notice just how quiet the desert is and just how much of a terrible thing that was. In this moment, Crash hoped she would've asked Cola to come with her. But there were things that had to be done alone.

In the distance, a pale, blue roof began to show and Crash hurried in it's direction, half hoping to be greeted by her dear friends and her one and only. She could almost see it. Everyone would be either inside or on the porch, drinking whatever cheap excuse for alcohol they had and Scare would be there too, on the other side of the porch, away from the rest, facing her. As if she knew Crash would come. She probably would have. She always knew different stuff like this.

"I'm a psychic" she would always answer when Crash asked, in the middle of the night, arms wrapped around each other's waists.

" Come on! Those things don't exist! They are just people pretending for money. Actors"

" But I am one"

"If you say so.." Crash would reply sleepily

"My grandma was a witch and my mom was a witch as well and now I am a psychic"

"And what exactly is the difference?"

" I see things they can't"

"How come?"

"Oh, for the love of Destroya, can we please go to sleep?"

But when she got there, the place was empty. No one on the porch no one inside and no one waiting for her. She had to focus, or else God knows what could happen. She was vulnerable, an easy target, and many could take advantage of her weakness

After looking around the old, rusty rooms and collecting what she could, Crash headed outside. Her bag was full of food, clothes, jewels, money her old friends left behind and as much of Scare's belongings as she could carry. Stepping outside, she notices a motorcycle. It was Star Bow's ride. The bastard. Everyone would have been alive if it wasn't for his absolute stupidity. He shouldn't have dragged everyone into this fight. He must have seen the scarecrows! He must have known they stood no chance! A whole crew. A whole goddamned crew was ghosted! In one fight. When Dr. D unraveled the news to the rebels that morning, the desert lost it's mind. It was all people wanted to talk about. Some showed up to the radio station to talk to Crash or simply to see her. To prove to themselves that it was real. Of course everyone trusted Dr. D and his news reports, but this was far beyond imaginable to the zone runners.

Crash decided to take to motorcycle. No one was to use it anyway. She tied her bag and hopped on, just when she heard a car, speeding her way. The trans AM came into view a full 2 minutes later, and Crash couldn't help but smile. She waved her hand at the speeding car in hopes of getting their attention and, sure enough, she did. The car made a sudden turn and was now heading in her direction. Crash found herself wishing for the two brothers to hop out, but she repressed that feeling quickly. The fabulous four stepped out of their famous vehicle with the two boys.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" Ghoul spoke up"What are you doing here?"

"Just came to pick up some stuff I left behind. How are you guys?" Crash responded, looking at the two boys with a smile. She felt more open to the idea of them after spending a night with herself, to work out yesterday's events. She felt more ready to take on the challenge of taking care of the two,even thought she was aware that after a while they would get just as annoying as the first time she met them.But she cared, and that was gonna be the death of her As soon as she found a crew, the two boys would be back under her wing. She just had to gather herself up first

"Party was driving us around in his car!" Zach answered happily. He still had the bandana Crash gave him and for some strange reason, her heart skipped a bit when she noticed him playing with it while talking.

"It was so fast! It was like a rocket ship! It felt like we were flying!" Pax added in excitement

They all chatted for a bit, until the twins requested a ride with the motorcycle. Kobra offered to drive them around. He hopped on together with Pax and took off, leaving Zach to wait for his turn. In the meantime, Party made sure to keep him occupied. Him, Crash, Jet and Ghoul played tag the entire time,despite the heat from the sun. Crash found it amusing that these rebels would go out of their way, playing stupid games, just to make a kid smile. She couldn't remember when she last saw a kid in the zone. Must have been a long time ago cause she didn't think she ever saw any joys play like this in all her life.

Kobra got back with Pax and took Zach on a ride. The young boy was so happy, he could barely form proper words. He kept talking about his ride until Jet suggested that they went back down the road they came on and talk to the seller they had spotted on the way. Everyone agreed, but Party requested that he stayed behind to talk to Crash in privet for a bit. Soon enough, they were alone.Crash sat down on the steps of her former home, starring up the the red head, expecting some sort of speech from him. She was unsure as to what she should expect, but figured he was most likely going to question her on her plans for the future.However, Party sat down next to her and said:

"Those kids are an absolute treasure, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I suppose.."

"Come on. I saw they way you smiled at them. The way your eyes glistened when they spoke or laughed. I noticed you."

"Maybe you shouldn't have." Crash added quietly

" What are you afraid of?"

" I wish I could put my finger on it"

" I get it.." Party began to say but was cut off

"No you don't. You don't get it"

"You are right" the killjoy leader added after a brief pause." I don't get it. But I wanna help"

Other pause followed.

" I guess I just don't wanna be alone again"

"You're not"

"I am"

"Wanna join our crew?" Party spat out

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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