they totally forgot about the chores!

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tj found himself in the same panicked state as cyrus as the two of them rushed back and forth all over his empty house, checking off all the things on the chores list.

"shit, shit, shit!" cyrus squeaked, pushing past tj nervously and nearly slipping on the hardwood as he stumbled into the kitchen.

"i watered all the plants, swiffered and dusted the floors and furniture, and put away the dishes," tj counted out the jobs on his fingers.

"thank you," cyrus breathed out heavily, dropping the paper towels in his hand onto the kitchen counter and sitting in a stool at the island. "i was just about to go water them."

"it's all good," tj leaned against the counter beside him, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, "what else can i do?"

"teej, you've already done enough-"

"tell me what else i have to do, muffin," tj wiggled his eyebrows, playing his card on purpose. cyrus only gives in when tj calls him a name; it's a famous tell, one that cyrus hates having... and kind of likes, too.

"you can go put scrubbing bubbles in the tub for me, if you want," cyrus mumbled, blushing even harder and staring at his fingers.

"got it."

"i have to windex the windows!" cyrus called after the boy who was now running up the stairs full speed.

"i'll be back to help!" he called back with a wide grin.

cyrus giggled softly to himself as he collected the roll of paper towels and the bottle of blue under the kitchen sink.
he's such an idiot, cyrus thought. as he went to work on a smudge on the slider door that led to his backyard, he silently felt thankful to have tj to help him.


"okay, are we finally done?" tj groaned as he flopped onto the couch in cyrus' living room, each limb laying soft as if he was asleep.

"you can't be that tired!"

"you made me clean the whole house!"

"you offered!" cyrus giggled as he collapsed beside the blond, huffing gently.

"yeah, i did."

tj took the glasses off his nose and wiped at the sweat collecting there; he ran a hand through his floppy hair and smiled down at the boy laying on his lap. cyrus stared up at him all the same, his coffee eyes happy as can be.

"look at us being best friends," cyrus squinted his eyes playfully, "thanks for helping out. i couldn't have done it all by myself."

"course, muffin," tj ran his fingers through the dark mess of hair on his thigh, "anything to make you happy."

"they come home in two days! i feel like it's been five seconds since they left," cyrus whined.

"how? this week has been crazy."

"i know, my life is never this eventful this often! it's blurring together!" cyrus exclaimed, voice cracking with excitement.

"what do you wanna do then? we have to make these next two days count," tj asked.

"well, i kinda don't wanna move from where i am right now," cyrus smiled, closing his eyes and pushing into tj's hand while it swirled through his hair. "i do have to shower, though."

"jeez, me too. if i didn't lose ten pounds helping you complete your mom's chore list, i'm leaving,"

"no fair! you're skinny enough!" cyrus complained as he got up and walked to the foot of the stairs.

"go take your shower, bossy." tj coaxed.


the clementine sky had blurred into wine purple night as the two sat in cyrus' living room watching movies; the cicadas sang a muffled song outside the windows and the streetlight flickered on and off in the sticky summer air. cyrus had his head on tj's lap again, but with a pillow this time; he also found himself buried in tj's jefferson basketball hoodie. tj sat in a big t-shirt and grey sweatpants, having lent the sweatshirt he should've been wearing to the boy; "10 things i hate about you" was playing loudly, their popcorn bowl sat empty with traces of bitter coagulating at the bottom, and their sleepy breaths filled the room softly, like happy ghosts floating side by side.

"you sleepy, cy?"


"get up here," tj patted his chest, blushing wildly as cyrus complied and clambered up his body and flung around his neck like a monkey. he felt even more nervous than he did the other night, when it happened the first time.

"you're s'warm," cyrus mumbled into tj's neck.

"i'm so glad i don't have to be afraid to cuddle you now," tj chuckled softly as he twisted a wavy lock of cocoa hair around his finger.

"mhm," the boy hummed, the movie now just a nuisance of noise he wished would stop ruining the moment.

"go to sleep, muffin,"



"g'night, tj."

tj pulled a blanket over the two of them and focused on the movie, feeling cyrus' sleepy breath blowing against his collarbone, infecting him with drowsiness, too. he fiddled with the hem of cyrus' stolen sweatshirt while his eyes slowly began to close.

nothing could be better than this, tj smiled as he looked down at his love. my boy.

his boy?

wait, was he his?

he hadn't asked yet.

well, shit.

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