Chapter 7: First game

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  "You excited about the game tomorrow Adrien?" I asked as we sat down in 1st period. "You know it." He said winking, I giggled as the late bell rang. The substitute for the class let us go on our phones and talk, so I had the perfect opportunity to start a conversation with Adrien.

  I smiled at him, "My dad said after the game would be a perfect opportunity to use the pool for once." I said trying to start some sort of conversation. He grinned, "And you'll be there?" He asked, I nodded, "Of course! I'll be on the benches with your mom cheering you and my dad on."

  He smiled softly, "I can't wait." He said, his voice sending a shiver down my spine as I blushed. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, my favorite person!" I heard someone say, before I could turn my head around, a hand with long and pointy manicured fingers slammed on my desk.

  "What do you think your doing sitting next to my Adrikins!?!?" My eyes widened, "A-adrikins???" She cocked and eyebrows and placed her hand on her hip, "Yes, Adri-" she was interrupted as Adrien stood up from his desk and nearly knocked it over at his impact.

  "Chloe what the hell did I tell you?" He kept his voice in control but his the veins on his muscles were slightly bulging in restraint and his fists were balled, his knuckles white. "I'm not yours." He said firmly, setting the standard, Chloe backed up, afraid.

  "B-but Adrikins--" he cut her off, "Stop calling me that Chloe." He said, "But why?! There's no harm in it!" Adrien scoffed, "WHY?! Because it's annoying and I don't like you calling me that like your my girlfriend. That's why!"

"Admit it, you like it~"

  "Yeah right Chloe. Just leave us alone." He said, I could see Chloe's eyes water as she rolled her eyes, flipped her hair, and walked off. Adrien sighed, making sure she was away before he turned back to face me. "Sorry about that Marinette... She just ticks me off sometimes."

  I shrugged, "Trust me, I don't mind." I said reassuringly. " he smiled softly and sat back down. "Thanks Mari." My lips parted and cheeks tinted a slight pink at the sudden nick name. "M-mari?" He shrugged, "Yeah. I figured since your name was long, you deserved a nick name, and Mari was simple yet suited you."

  I smiled, "Alright. Mari. I can work with that kitten~." I said winking, his lips parted and cheeks tinted a noticeable red. "H-hey! Just because you have you a nickname doesn't mean I do! My name is short and-" I giggled, "Hey, it's simple. And it suits you." I defended.

"What, would you prefer Adrikins?" I laughed.

  He blinked a couple times, "You know what, kitten is fine." He decided, and I laughed. I was satisfied.


  And so I found myself at the benches, screaming and cheering for the football team as my dad gave himself a sore throat coaching them. Emily would just clap and cheer every few touchdowns and would shout out 'go Adrien!' But she wasn't as hard core.

  I knew it was weird, but I kept count of each touchdown Adrien made and wow he was good. The score was 42 to 12 and they were definitely gonna win. The last touchdown was made by Kim and I felt a bit uneasy as he actually winked at me.

  My dad, Emily, Adrien, and I decided that if we won the game we would order a bunch of pizza and have a pool party with the team. My dad approved and said it would be awesome as long as there was no loud music and we weren't being too loud.

  So the bus drove the football team to our house after we won and I decided a one piece swimsuit would be way better then the bikini my mom bought me before I moved here. I had my eye out on Kim, and my dad insisted Adrien watch over me when we were swimming.

Kim was trouble, everyone knew so.

  When I got outside I saw a bunch of boys cannon ball into the pool and splash each other. My dad only chuckled when Adrien tackled Kim into the pool. I giggled a little, dipping my legs into the side of the pool as my dad heard the doorbell ring and assumed it was the pizza.

  "Be right back!" He called, heading inside. "Hey, Marinette right?" I heard someone say, I turned my head to face the person who had mentioned by name. I almost cringed in disgust as it was Kim who was in front of me, "Yeah..." I said awkwardly, he smiled and moved closer, his chest scraping my knees.

  "No need to be shy sweetie~" he winked and I nearly gagged, my cheeks burning in embarrassment and I was uncomfortable. I shifted my legs nervously as he cupped each of my knees, and I froze. I wanted to kick him off of me but I was frozen in shock and I didn't know what he wanted from me!

  "S-stop." I said, he chuckled a little, his hands moving further up my thighs, "Do you really want me to stop Marinette?" He asked and I felt my skin boil with anger. "Kim, get your hands off her. She asked you to stop." I heard a very recognizable voice say, Adrien.

  His voice was firm and he set the boundary, "What's it to you Agreste?" Kim asked, Adrien have him the most hateful glare. His eyes were intense, intense was an understatement, and I felt a shiver slip down my spine. "Kim, get your hands, off her." He repeated.

  Kim smirked at him, practically mocking him as I felt him grab my legs and pull me into the water. "Marinette!" I heard from under the water, trying to make my way back up before I felt muscular strong arms wrap around dnt thighs and upper back, I was lifted out of the water as I had gasped for air.

  Water was dripping off of my hair and body as Adrien carried me inside. Finding my dad as he placed the pizza boxes on the counter. "Mr. Dupain, please take your daughter upstairs. Marinette will explain everything." He assured, my dad gave a concerned expression as he took me from Adrien, "What happened?" He asked.

  Adrien glared outside through the screen door, "Marinette will tell you." He said firmly, walking back outside. My dad looked at me worryingly and took me upstairs, what a great experience for my first game. I thought, and I told my dad everything.

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