Chapter 2: New Neighbor

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  I couldn't help but smile at the adorable face of confusion Marinette made when writing down her notes. I had found out she was in every single one of my classes. Hopefully we would be friends, but I couldn't help but worry when she first introduced herself.

  I could tell she was nervous at first, but she seemed almost sad. "H-hi! I'm Marinette Dupain..." She had looked down, why? I heard the whistle blow, oh yeah! Which reminded me, we had a new coach. I had no clue what his name was though, he introduced himself.

  I couldn't hear anything he was saying as I spotted Marinette writing something in her journal on the bleachers. I raised an amused brow, soon the coach had blown his whistle, we did laps around the basketball courts and bleachers. I had no idea why but I couldn't get my eyes off Marinette.

  I could see her stop writing for a second, a tear rolling down her cheek. My lips parted as I narrowed my eyebrows, she was probably going through a tough time. She had moved all the way from America, she probably missed her friends. As we continued practice, I just couldn't concentrate.

  My mind wouldn't let me stop thinking about the girl, her midnight hair and safire blue eyes. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks, it was an unusual feeling. I had finally made it to the end of practice, I needed to focus. I hadn't even caught the new coach's name!

  I ran over to him just as he was walking over to the bleachers, "H-hey coach!" He turned around and smiled, "Oh, hey." He said, I took a deep breath seeming I had ran a lot. "U-umm, what's your name again sir?" He smiled, " My first name's Tom. But you can call me Mr. Dupain. "

  My lips parted, "O-oh. Okay..." I frowned, what was so familiar about that name? "See you at practice tomorrow..?" I shook myself out of my thoughts, "A-adrien. My name's Adrien Agreste. See ya tomorrow coach!" I shouted before running back to the locker rooms.

  Before I entered through the door, I saw him approach Marinette. I frowned, my lips parted as she smiled and she gasped as he lifted her over his back with ease. "Dad! What are you doing!" He chuckled and laughed with her, grabbing her stuff as he carried her out the gate. Dad..?

  My eyes widened, "Marinette... Dupain... She's... The Coaches Daughter..."


  The days had passed by, it had been about a week before the furniture finally arrived. "Wow. You ordered a lot of furniture dad." He chuckled, "Well, we have a big house so..." I nodded, "Come on, a have a lot to get done." I nodded, as he grabbed a desk from the moving van, I cracked my knuckles, grabbing wooden table.

  It wasn't huge, but it was definitely heavy! "AHhHhhHh!" I almost dropped it, I could feel my fingers slipping from the bottom of the table, my eyes widened, if this thing was going down, I was be loyal and go down with it! "Need some help?" The table was tooken from my hands and I rebalanced myself.

  My eyes widened, my pupils turning into dots. "A-a-adrien?!" My jaw dropped, and my legs turned to jelly as my cheeks turned beet red. He was wearing a muscle shirt, showing all his arm muscle and tight to his waist, you could see the lining of his abs and chest.

  I covered my mouth to prevent a squeal. "M-marinette? D-do you live here!?" I nodded and smiled awkwardly, "O-oh... I-i live next door and I-" he was interrupted, "Adrien? What are you doing here?" My father asked, Adrien's eyes widened. "O-oh, hey coach! I live next door..."

  My fathers eyebrows raised, "S-she seemed like she needed help with this and..." My father smiled, "Oh, well thanks. Would you mind putting it inside?" He nodded and I grabbed a much lighter piece of furniture and lead him inside. He put the table down, making a rather loud noise.

  I blushed, his muscles were practically bulging, and his eyes were sparkling. He smiled at me and my lips parted, "Thanks son." My eyes widened, my dad was calling him son now?! "No problem Mr. Dupain." My father chuckled, "No need to call me that out of school. Just call me Tom."

  Adrien smiled and nodded, "If you want I'd be happy to help. My mom and dad wanted me to meet you guys but my father's..." He narrowed his eyebrows, "B-busy... My mom said that-" he was interrupted, "Adrien? I see you've met the neighbors." His lips parted, "Oh, yeah... This is my mom."

  She smiled, "Hi! I wanted to welcome you guys to the neighborhood! I made muffins with no nuts or anything, I didn't want to trigger any allergies." My father smiled, "Thank you, my daughter and I don't have any allergies. I actually am the new coach at your son's school."

  His mother smiled, "Oh! So you guys have already ment! I'm so glad! Well I'm... Adrien's mother, Emily!" She shook my hand, I smiled at her. "I'm Marinette, nice to meet you." She smiled, "Well Adrien and I would be glad to help with anything." My father smiled, "We could you really use some. It's just us two."

  My lips parted, I looked to the side. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... My mom's all the way back in America. "Well, let's get started then." Emily said, the day went on, we had gotten every single piece of furniture out and the house looked much fuller. "Thanks for all your guy's help! "

  Emily and Adrien smiled, "It was really no problem Mr. Dupain- T-tom." Adrien said, Emily smiled, "Yup. It was our pleasure." My dad smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder, "We'll her the house ready by the end of the week. I invite you guys to come over Saturday for dinner."

  Emily smiled, "Sounds great! I'll bring desert, does 6:00 sound good?" My father nodded, "Sounds great." She waved, "Bye! It was nice meeting you two!" Adrien smiled, "I'll see you at school tomorrow Marinette. And and football practice Tom." My father winked, "I'll be counting on it."

  They waved before walking out the door. "Wow. Nice kid, any interest?" I glared at my dad and he chuckled, "Right right! We'll save the girl talk for later!" I giggled, "I'm gonna take a shower, goodnight dad." I kissed his cheek, "Night Pumpkin." I smiled and headed upstairs.


  Tom said that it was just them two, I wonder what happened to her mom. My dad was always busy, so it had always felt like it was just my mom and I for the past two years or so. "Wow that girl was gorgeous! Did you see her eyes! They were Sapphire Blue! My favorite color!"

  I chuckled, it was true. Marinette was beautiful, I blushed at my thoughts, shaking it off. "Any interest? You and her would make the MOST ADORABLE BABIES!!!" She squealed, my cheeks turned beet red, "M-Mom! w-we just recently became f-friends. She's only been at school for a week."

  My mom pouted her lip, "Adrien, a girl like that surrounded by boys doesn't stay single forever!" My lips parted, "I-i know. But... She's just a friend." My mom smirked, "For now Adrien, but later..." She twirled around and formed a heart with her hands, I chuckled, a small blush crawling across my cheeks.

  "Don't forget, you two are neighbors! Classmates! And your on her father's team! Ohhh~ this would make a perfect book! Or movie..." My cheeks turned a crimson red, the new girl... The new neighbor... The Coaches Daughter.

Sounds fun.

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