Help wanted

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"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Sally let out a long sigh before quickly pulling herself together. If she was going to help Arthur she definitely needed more help. "James! Roger! Is anyone home?" Sally desperately knocked against the smooth, oak door until someone finally opened up, making her hand flinch up to her chest.
"Oh, Sally Boyle." A moustached man replied, his hands on his hips.
"James! Thank god!" The chemist immediately wrapped her arms around him. "I need your help, maybe Roger's too."
"And what would you possibly need help with?"
"It's Arthur, Arthur Hastings?"
"Oh yeah!.. Nervous looking guy? Awfully lanky? Yeah, we know the lad." James slowly, but surely, squirmed his way out of the female's grasp. "Roger! Sally Boyle is at our door, and she needs our help!!"
"Just a second, Moo!"  Roger called back. Pots and pans could be heard smashing against the floor. what exactly were they doing before she got here?
"Moo?" Sally turned her confused gaze towards James, obviously wanting an explanation.
"It's just a little nickname, honey."
"Pup, hurry up!"
"Alright, alright. I'm here." Roger said, almost completely out of breath.
"So you know Arthur, the glasses, the big nose, yeah?" James turned his attention to his red headed boyfriend.
"I've seen him a couple of times."
"He's in trouble, and I'd really love it if both of you helped me get him back from the Constables." Sally butted in, a look a desperation on her face.
"THE CONSTABLES?!" Both the sailor boys yelled as they tightly hugged each other. "You never told us it was that bad!"
"I'm sorry, but I thought maybe you two could help. You're the gays- guys! I meant guys, with the ray gun."
"That's... true. Both of those were true." Roger smiled. "Let's help her.. come on, James!"
"Ollie Starkey is helping too." Sally teased.
James' face grew red, with both anger and annoyance. "Fine! We'll help you... but just this once."
"Really! Oh, thank you!!" They all wrapped their arms around each other, though James was slightly in denial. "I just have one more person I'd like to ask... I'm sure you two know him."

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