"Oh uh I was actually looking for the bathroom." Niall had to turn and look away from you so you wouldn't see the smirk that formed on his face as you felt your cheeks get hot.

"Well allow me ta hold that for ya," Niall reached over with his free hand so he could grab your glass making you just give him an awkward smile because this isn't how you imagined this night going at all and you weren't too sure how to handle it. "I'll be in the kitchen wit a fresh glass of champagne fo ya." With that he shot you a reassuring smile before heading down the hallway and turning in the direction of the kitchen.

"Jesus," You ran a hand through your hair as you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. "Get a grip, he's your boss and is just being polite. Relax." You nodded your head at your little pep talk and leaned in to check your lipstick before turning and leaving the bathroom and heading for the kitchen to find Niall.

"There she is!" You laughed as a very drunk Gina shouted from her spot where she was leaning against the counter as soon as you rounded the corner and entered the kitchen. "Wondered where ya wondered off too," You took a quick look around and felt your mouth drop into a small frown when you saw your champagne glass full and sitting on the island. "He had to run and go do a boss thing or s'mthing real quick." Gina explained when she saw you notice Niall's absence.

"At least he filled my glass for me before leaving," You picked up your glass as Gina walked over to you and placed her arm over your shoulder. "That was nice of him." You added as you turned your head and gave Gina a smile.

"He's a nice man," She rested her head on your shoulder as your free arm wrapped around her waist. "Has great chest hair. Have you noticed his chest hair? It's wonderful." You laughed as she shot you a little wink as she lifted her head up off your shoulder and wiggled her eyebrows at you.

"I haven't noticed no." You teased making her lean her head back and laugh while you just took a sip of your drink.

"You should ask him if you can touch it, I bet it's soft like his hair." You just nodded your head as you swallowed the sip of champagne that was in your mouth as Gina looked around at the people in her living room. "I'll be right back, time to mingle and be a good host and all that bullshit." With that she leaned over and placed a sloppy kiss to your cheek before detaching herself from you and wondering off into the living room.

You took this time to wonder around outside and get a better look at Gina's backyard that looked magical with all the glowing lights in the pool and the fire pit still going. You hadn't been paying attention to the time, the other guests didn't seem all too concerned about keeping a countdown going so when you looked at your phone and saw it was five minutes till midnight you were shocked. You stopped and sat on one of the chairs close to the fire pit and smiled at the two other people who were sitting around the fire with drinks in their hands.

"Ah see you found yer glass jus fine," You turned your head and smiled at Niall who was walking towards you with a playful smirk on his face. "Was worried someone might've snagged it while i was on da phone out front." He explained as he took the empty seat next to you.

"Oh yeah, thank you for refilling it for me." Niall just nodded his head and brought his beer up to his lips, your eyes trialed from his hand that was gripping the bottle down to his arm all the way to his chest where you saw what seemed to be a little bit of chest hair peeking out from his shirt making you chuckle and shake your head as you pictured Gina's face when she mentioned his chest hair.

"S'a nice night out innit?" You looked around as Niall placed his beer onto the armrest of the chair he was sitting in.

"It is," You agreed as you looked over your shoulder when you heard the people in the living room beginning to count down. "Oh wow it's almost midnight already." You turned and watched Niall fidget with his hands as you finished off your champagne making you instantly go into a fit of giggles as Niall chugged the rest of his beer before standing up and reaching for your hand.

"Gotta do dis proper ya know? Can't be sittin on our arses when the new year starts." He joked making you laugh as you stood next to him and began counting down.

"3," You turned and smiled at him, "2," Niall turned so he was facing you and before you knew what was happening his hands where on both sides of your face.

"1," He slowly leaned over making your eyes go wide. "Fuck it." And with that he closed the space between the two of you and placed a sweet little kiss to your lips making your eyes close and your hands reach up and find his face to hold him there for a few extra seconds.

"Happy New Year Niall." You mumbled as he pulled away and stood up straight and dropped his hands from your face and just held onto one of your hands.

"Happy New Year," He looked down at your hand that he was holding and you watched his eyes go slightly wide as he quickly dropped it. "It's uh bad luck ta start the new year without a kiss ya know? So uhm couldn't risk it ya know?" You just nodded your head as you crossed your arms loosely over your chest all of a sudden feeling very self conscious.

"Oh yeah I've heard that," You watched Niall just rub his lips together as he looked down at his feet. "I'll see you at work, have a great rest of your night." With that you turned and walked towards the house as you ran your hand through your hair and let out a drunk little giggle because that's not how you expected the night to end but if that was a sign of how the year was going to go, you didn't really mind but you knew only time would tell.

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