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"Odds on me pushing that year 7 over," Max winked as Ben chuckled.
"Don't you dare," I spat at him to which he replied with the middle finger.

I sat down at the cafeteria as everyone else slowly followed. Ben held my hand as I looked toward him and smiled, god he was a different kind of beautiful.

"Are you lot going into Coventry for the festival?" Lauren piped
Everyone nodded except me.
"Fuck I forgot to buy a ticket," I groaned loud and put my head in my folded arms as Holly tapped my shoulders.
"Aww Chloe!" Sam pouted as I did the same.
"Max don't you have a spare ticket?" Ben chimed as I looked up and smiled at Max.
"Uh-huh?" He said acting dumb.
"You can't have it though Chloe,"
"Please, Please, Please, I beg you times one thousand- million Max!"
"No, No, No"

I glared at him as he smiled proudly.
The bell rung as I headed to Science, the one lesson I unfortunately had to have alone with Max.

He walked swiftly as I trotted behind him, consistently asking for the spare ticket.


"Please Max, I'll literally pay you triple the original amount."
His ears perked up as he looked at me and smirked.

"You're actually willing to pay £90 for a £30 ticket?" He laughed, fully knowing I barely had £10 to my name.
"God, YES!"

"You know what?"
"What?" I whined.
"I'll give them to you for free, BUT you have to do me favours for a month."
"I don't like where this is going,"
"Shut up idiot, I mean chores and the lot,"

I looked up at him in surprise
"Like, genuinely,"
"A hundred perce-"
"Fine, I'll keep them."
"No no! I was just making sure!"

He sat down on his chair as I sat next to him.
"So what can I do for you, Master?" I winked.
"God, don't be annoying, I can still keep the tickets," He groaned.
I glared at him and opened my book whilst Dr Smith went on with his lesson.

"Hey," Max chimed 15 minutes in.
I turned to him.
"How serious are you and Ben?"
I looked at him confused, "Pretty serious."
He nodded slowly.
"It's just, Ben doesn't date."
"Max, he's literally dating me."
"Is he though? I mean has he really asked you to be his girlfriend? Have you guys gone on a 'real' date, or are you still in the talking phase."
I paused in confusion as he looked through me.
"I-I don't understand,"
He clicked his tongue and quickly smiled.
"Don't worry about it, I was just wondering," He ruffled my hair and swiftly walked past me as he teamed up with someone to do his practical work with.

Meanwhile he put me in an unhealthy thought process.

"Hey what's wrong?" Ben asked with his chin snugged into my shoulder.
"Nothing, just tired." I replied as I stared at Max. He was smirking, knowing that he'd made me feel completely uncomfortable with Ben and that I was triple-guessing my entire relationship with him.

Come to think of it, I'm the first girl Ben has ever publicly been affectionate with and I do hang out with his friends and vice versa. And in some relationships people just don't ask?

I admired his dirty blonde hair whilst I could fee Max's stare on me too. No doubt, Max is attractive, but he needs to fix his attitude before he ever thinks he has a chance with a girl. Plus he's annoying as fuck.

I sighed whilst I locked my fingers with Ben's.
"Are we dating?" I whispered so the others couldn't hear.
"I mean you never asked me and I never asked you, I see us in a relationship but I don't know, it's a stupid question I'm sorry."

I broke eye contact as he lifted my chin and pecked my lips.
"Of course we're dating, idiot." He let out his cute, deep laugh.

I smiled and tucked my head into his shoulder as I turned to see Max, who looked annoyed yet again. I swear this guy is PMS-ing constantly it's frustrating.

"I think I like Lauren." Sam blurted.

My jaw dropped, in the way that I was also smiling like crazy.
"Chloe, don't." Sam groaned as I started to gush.

"Stop being a freak. I need help asking her to prom." He turned away blushing.
I smiled with my eyes creased in happiness and nodded.

"Yes I will definitely help you sir," I still gushed "What are you thinking?"

"I don't know yet, how did ben ask you?"
I paused and thought.
"He didn't?" I spoke.
"What?!" Sam shouted.
"Well we both just assumed we'd go with each other." I shrugged.
"He still has to ask!"
"No, it's so unnecessary if we're already dating."
"Okay then how did he ask you out?"
I paused again.
"He didn't..."
Sam hit me playfully as I shouted at him.
"It's not my fault!" I defended.
"So you guys are just going out without confirmation."
"Nope I am not having this conversation for the third time today. See you later dickhead! Text me." I swung my bad handles on my shoulder and walked out of school whilst making sure to tell Holly about everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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