blossom -3

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"If you could just do a head count, we should have 47," Mrs Cole nodded whilst Mr Briggs instructed her.

"Right, you are all very privileged to be able to get a FREE trip to this Art gallery, ANY bad behaviour will not be tolerated and therefore resulting in an immediate sanction and withdrawal from the trip, other than that, have a great day!" He smiled.
We all stared at him in confusion as everyone started to board the coach.

"Chloe!" I looked back to see Ben shouting for me.
I waved as he came over.
"Coach buds?"
I laughed and nodded,
"Of course."

"Ben you dick." Max pretended to sulk as the rest laughed.
"Don't worry man I'm sure there's a three seater."
"I don't want to be near her,"
"Tough." Ben said and sat down.

I sat by the window feeling extremely uncomfortable with the eyes of Sam, Lauren and Holly looking at Me, Ben and Max.

"Nothin'," Loz laughed.
"You look very comfy there babe," She mocked.

I raised an eyebrow and scanned over our three seater.
I had my head resting on Ben and he had his head on top of mine...and so did Max.

"Oh BEN!" Max mocked me whilst Sam took a video and they laughed.
I huffed and cursed at Max yet again.

Ben fell into a deep sleep within 7 minutes which put our conversation to a halt and forced me to watch Max and Sam argue about something weird.

Lauren and Holly turned around to speak to me about their prom dresses but I'd somehow found myself looking at Max. His jawline was the sharpest thing ever but it contrasted with his soft blonde hair- which also opposed his shitty attitude.

I shook off my thoughts and smiled at the girls whilst diving into a heavy conversation about how strappy heels don't compliment vinyl.


"46...and 47. All done!"

We all groaned as we piled ourselves onto the benches outside the gallery. Ben placed his arm around me whilst I sunk my head into his shoulder.
"My ass hurts." I whispered to him as he chuckled.
"What ass?" Max piped as I threw a m&m at his feet.

"Come on kids! We're here now, let's get in." Mr Briggs chimed as we all followed through.
The Art Gallery trip was supposed to be the best trip for Sixth Formers, however the art gallery changed from Tate Modern to Salts Mill.

The Salts Mill where we all smoke and drank behind every Saturday.
None of us ever really bothered to check into the gallery but it was an amazing hiding spot since the hills were way too long for anyone to want to walk or drive down.

I glanced at Sam and Max who were headed for the gift shop but Lauren, Holly, Ben and Me went straight for the café.
We sat in a booth for six in case if Max and Sam decided to join us

"Are you guys coming to prom?" Loz asked stuffing the complimentary bread in her mouth.
I looked towards Ben and he smiled his signature smile
"Of course, given that you go with me clo?"
I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Grim," I heard the devil himself speak as he slammed his ass down on the booth.
I gave him a fake smile as he started picking apart the bread.
"Where's your other half," Holly remarked
"He's pulling some girl from another school over by the steel statue,"
We looked behind Max and saw Sam obviously fucking up his interaction with a really cute girl.
I giggled as I looked over to Lauren who'd clearly had a crush on Sam since they first met, her eyes were angry as she kept pretending to make vomit sounds. One rather loud sound caught the attention of the girl and Sam looked too. We all waved as the girl stormed off and Sam huffed his way over.

"Thanks a lot, Loz." Sam spat as Lauren grinned at him.
"I did you a favour, she's already flirting with someone else, look," and she was, with Harry from my Maths class.
Sam shrugged and Ben chuckled
"Mate it's fair to say you were absolutely bombing it anyway," We all laughed as Sam looked offended.
"No way did you see her, she was literally screaming marry me," I laughed at him and proceeded to stand up.
"Let's go look at art losers," I beamed at my lifeless group of friends.
"We don't wanna go with you." Max groaned as I linked one arm with him and the other with Holly.
I dragged them along with the rest trailing behind, Max still linking to my arm.

Hm, he smells nice. Whatever

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