blossom -2

11 1 0

chloe anderson

My dress straps fell on and off my shoulders whilst I fixed them every few seconds. I felt Max glare at me from the opposite seat to which I glared back harder.

Max's Mum , Claire smiled at me as did I as she asked me about school.
"What subjects are you taking Clo?"
"Well Art, Sociology..."
"lame...lame...lame." Max whispered whilst he stabbed his chicken.
I kicked him in the ankle as he choked and his Dad sighed.

"Max where are your manners?" Mr Blossom scolded.
"I'm choking dad!" Max defended as I bit my laugh in.
My mum ran over to pat his back and my dad went to get water.
I sat there needing to laugh but mum would kill me.
Eventually the chicken fell back onto the plate and Max excused himself to use the bathroom.

"Chloe go check on the poor thing," My mum sympathised as I rolled my eyes.
"Pretty sure he won't want that mum." I shrugged taking a bite of roast potato.

She didn't have to say the next word as her intense dirty look stabbed right through me.
I groaned and walked to the bathroom.

I knocked on the door asking if he was okay, but he decided to just not reply.
Then, the door opened as he grabbed me and pulled me in.

He shut the door and sat on the side of the bath.
"I hate you."
"Cool." I smiled at him.
"You're such a bitch! I don't understand what  Ben sees in you- wait actually I do, he has a type for whores!"
I shoved him'
"Don't you dare call me a whore,"
"Prefer slut," he laughed at me pushing my hand off of him.
"I don't understand why Ben is friends with a dickhead like you!" I said angrily.
"Just know, I was his friend first, I could say anything and your relationship would plummet," He scoffed cockily.
"Oh really?"
"I mean yes because all I have to do is show this to him."

He retrieved his phone from the cabinet and screen-shotted a video. I looked and saw it was my hand on his chest with my finger running slightly against a button.
"I was pushing you!"
"Ben wouldn't know that!" He laughed.

I opened my mouth to speak but instead kept it shut and walked out.
"Aw salty?"

I went back to the table with an unnecessarily big smile on my face as everyone else smiled at me too.

"Is Max okay?" My dad asked and I nodded.
He nodded back and we continued waited with Max coming back a few minutes after.



Dad washed this dishes as Mum said goodbye for the 7689th time to Claire.
"Chloe come say bye to Max!"
"Bye MAX." I shouted from my place where I sat on the countertop.
Dad turned and gave me a look.

I sighed and jumped off to stand next to Mum.
"Bye Claire, Bye Dave!" I waved smiling.
"Where's mine," Max shouted and I stuck the finger at him when Mum and the others weren't looking.
"Bye Max!"

I shut the door and gave mum a little side hug.
"It went well, maybe next time stress a bit less,"
I smiled.
"Well?! The boy choked Chloe!"
"Exactly..good..." I muttered and followed her to the dining room.

I stacked the mats and dried the glasses.
"So, Clo, how's School? Any boys?"

Fantastic. Relationship talk with parents.
"Don't Mum!"
"Don't get offended! I'm being nice,"
"Why? That's not like you."
She hit me with the towel and chuckled.

"Picking on my wife?" Dad walked in putting his hands on Mum's waist.
"Ugh! get a room," I spat, walking up the stairs hearing their laughter behind me with a secret smile on my face.

I opened my room door falling into the bed in complete bliss.
I rolled over facing my phone, biology revision guide and a manky highlighter.

"Study or Ben...Study or Ben...?"
"Ben." I spoke to myself and dialled his number.

After a few rings he picked up with his deep voice melting through the speakers into my ears.
"It is I!"
I laughed as I popped the lid of the highlighter off and opened the biology book whilst listening to his shit story about boats.

But I was kind of a sucker for it.

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