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Troye's POV

"How was your day Troye?" my mom asked as I walked through the front door. And for once I was completley honest, not having to make it seem better than it was.

"Absolutely perfect" I replied with a smile. She gave me a look, obviously wanting me to elaborate but I was not about to do that. Instead I kept walking, heading up the stairs and into my bedroom. I needed to call Lauren, she was my best friend that I told literally EVERYTHING to. There was no doubt in my mind that she was going to freak out.

Once my door was shut I pulled out my phone and plopped down on my huge bed. I clicked on her name, falling back onto the pillows as the phone rang. She picked up a few seconds later, sounds of children in the background.

"Hey Troye Boy! What's up?" she said in her usual peppey voice. I heard a crash in the background followed by "Owen, what have I told you? No pulling the cats tail, she doesn't like it!" I had to hold back a laugh. She was babysitting her cousins whom I have met a few times and let me tell you, they are a handful.

"Sorry T, these kids are driving me up the wall today. So back to you. What's going on? You seemed to be in quite a good mood when I passed you in the hallway earlier." I could hear the smirk in her voice, making me roll my eyes. 

"Well I may have some exciting news. Try and guess" I always did that even though it made her mad.

"What is it? Tell me already! You know I hate when you make me guess."

"Okay fine, you always have to take the fun out of it! In math today we got new seats and I guess luck was on my side for once because my new seat neighbor happens to be a VERY cute indivivdual."

"Who? Oh my God don't tell me it's Scott. He is so hot! Can you get his number for me?"

"Woah woah, slow down. It's NOT Scott."

"Oh, dang. Who else could it be? There's only a few other people you think are cute enough to pay attention to an- OH MY GOD" she yelled, and I could tell she knew exactly who it was.

"TYLER OAKLEY? THE Tyler Oakley? You've had a crush on him since you were a fetus! What happened? Did he smile at you? Oh or maybe he used a cheesy pick up line? DOES HE SMELL AS GOOD AS PEOPLE SAY?!?! I need answers Troye, I nee-"

"LAUREN! Take a breath! I will tell you everything if you calm down. Geez, people in Africa are going to be calling to make sure you're okay." I paused for a moment collecting my thoughts before continuing.

"Yes, THE Tyler Oakley. When I sat down he looked at me and asked what my name was. So I told him Troye with an E. Do you know what he did next? He smiled and said 'Troye with an E? I like that, it's cute!' and then we had to start learning about the quadratic formula and shit like that. You know the stuff no one is EVER going to use. So the whole time I was trying not to freak out, and by the way yes he does infact smell amazing. Anyways, he kept looking at me, I could see him out of the corner of my eye."

I took a break, absolutley giddy at the thought of him. But for once I didn't try and stop it. I was happy, and I was going to let myself be happy.

"And thats not even the best part Lauren! At the end of class we had time to work on our homework with a partner and he chose to work with me! Side note: he's actually really smart. He kept smiling at me and laughing, his laugh is the cutest thing EVER by the way. When the bell rang I went to leave and he said "Bye Troye with an E" and then HE WINKED AT ME. I repeat TYLER OAKLEY WINKED AT ME!!!"

I was so far past freaking out at this point that if anyone else could see me I would be embarassed. But Lauren understood where I was coming from and just how big of a deal this whole thing was. You see, boys usually ignore me. But that's okay because I try and stick to myself, I don't aim to get noticed. I have a few close friends and thats it, but I like it that way. Only a few guys are worth this much fuss, and Tyler Oakley was at the top of the list.

A Book of Troyler (Oneshots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin