Everything Has Changed

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Troye's POV

        I was getting frustrated walking down the busy New York street, stumbling into everyone as I tried to read my map. Where in the heck is this place? I'm pretty sure I've been going in circles for half an hour now. That shop definitely looks familiar. "Could this get any worse?" I mumbled to myself. Shit, shouldn't have said that. I felt a raindrop hit my face and roll down my cheek. Then another one on my hand.

        I dug my umbrella out of my bag, at least I had remembered to pack that. The rain became heavy, pouring down and drenching my body. I could feel my quiff deflating as I fumbled with the umbrella, trying to open it. Great. I'm going to look like I just rolled out of a cardboard box for my date with this amazing guy. My patience was wearing thin. I finally figured out the problem, the button was stuck. I pressed it once, twice and then a third time. Nothing.

        I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I attempted one more time, pressing on the button with all my force. BOOM. It was now open, but my ass was on the ground. Apparently I hadn't been looking and it struck a nearby human, causing me to slip and fall. Nothing was going my way today was it?

        That's when I noticed a hand extended towards me. I followed it up to meet the face of the person I had just assaulted with an umbrella. To my surprise they weren't glaring at me. They actually had a smile stretched across their cheeks. And holy crap was that an amazing smile. 

        "Thanks. Oh and sorry for hitting you, my stupid umbrella wouldn't open and well,you saw the rest" I explained as he pulled me off the damp ground. I could feel a wet spot on the butt of my pants, making a blush spread across my face.

        "No problem! Have a nice day!" he gave me one last smile then turned to leave. Without thinking I grabbed his arm. 

        "Wait. Um, could you help me find this place? I'm not familiar with New York and nothing is going right for me today. Clearly."

        He chuckled and I felt my heart flutter. I immediately wanted to tell him a joke just to hear that laugh again. But wait, Troye, you are on your way to meet a cute boy. Stop it. "Of course, where do you need to go?"

        I told him the name of the little coffee shop and he grinned. "What? Is there something wrong? Oh my god please don't tell me it's not even in New York City."

        "Oh it's here, and it happens to be where I'm headed. I work there actually, I'm a barista!" He grabbed my arm and tugged me along with him. "I'll take you there, it's not too far."

He wasn't joking either, it was literally right around the corner. When we got there he held the door open, letting me enter first. "Thank you" I smiled at him. It was nice to be around someone with manners. A change from the people I was usually surrounded by. He followed me into the cute little shop, watching me as I looked around.

        "Do you like it?" 

        "Yes! This is so adorable!" and it was. There were small tables set up everywhere, random chairs at each one. None of them matched but somehow it worked. I noticed fairy lights strung up around the entire room, a few strands dangling from the ceiling. And floral, there was floral print everywhere. I really liked it. There was just something about the place that made me feel at home.

        "Well I have to go work, if I were you I would sit at that back table. It's got the best chairs and a great view for people watching." with that he turned on his heel and strolled off behind the counter. I glanced around the room, seeing people reading or talking as they sipped on their coffee. I made my way to the table he had been talking about and sat down. Wow, he wasn't kidding. My butt felt like it was sitting on a cloud. I checked my phone, seeing that I had fifteen minutes before Chad was supposed to be here.

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