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Tyler's POV

I looked around my empty apartment, putting the last remaining items into a box. Just a few nights before it had been full of people, my best friends, as they wished me well on my journey to finding my next adventure. Lots of drinking and laughing were involved, which was going to be the hardest to leave behind. But I had to do this, it was the only option.

As my memory of that night faded away I looked down to the picture frame in my hands. It was the only thing left on the walls but I couldn't bring himself to take it down knowing all the emotions and memories that would come with it. And I had been right, as my eyes scanned the image of me and my bestfriend/friend/aquatinance (to be honest I wasn't sure what we were anymore) I felt my mind wandering back to the previous summer.


It had been the best summer of my life and I knew exactly why: because of the boy who was right by my side the entire time. As the sun set over LA I couldn't help but turn my gaze to Troye.

"What are you staring at?" he shoved me playfully, a smile making its way to his face. "Just some doofus". He laughed and shook his head, leaning into me a bit. "Hey Troye, so I was thinking. Since it's your last night in LA for a month and a half we should do something with our friends. You know, go to the bars or have a party or something."

He was silent for a moment before he lifted his head up to look at me. "That sounds lovely and all but to be honest I want to spend my last night with just you. Eating junk food, watching a sappy romance movie and crying our eyes out which will inevitably lead to a deep and meaningful heart to heart." I scrunched my face in confusion. "But that's what we've been doing every night this summer."

"Exactly. That's what I am going to miss the most. Being attached to your side all the time, annoying our friends because we're never apart. It's been perfect." I didn't know what to say to that so I just nodded my head and agreed. If he wanted it to be just me and him then thats how it was going to be. After the sun had set all the way and the stars were out, we went back to my apartment.

And that night was spent precisley the way all the other nights of our summer together had been spent. Eating pizza, watching The Fault In Our Stars and talking about absolutley everything. All while curled up together on my sofa. I never wanted it to end because I had never felt so good in my life. I finally had the best friend I had always wanted. The next day I took him to the airport, hugging him tightly as we said goodbye, never wanting to let go. When I did a tear was sliding down my cheek and Troye wiped it away with his thumb.

"Don't be sad Tilly, we will be together again soon. Always and forever, remember?"

And as I watched him walk away I couldn't help but feel like I was saying goodbye to not only my best friend but the most perfect thing that had ever happened to me. There was a nagging thought in my mind that told me things would never be the same again, and little did I know, that thought was speaking the truth.

~~~End Flashback~~~

I felt my face getting wet and hastily wiped the sleeve of my sweater across my eyes. No Tyler, you've done enough crying. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. My grip on the picture was tightening as I looked between the trash can in the corner of my room and the final box in front of me. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. I can't get rid of it. No matter how much it hurt to look at I can't just throw away a piece of my perfect summer. I packed it away and stood up, heading for the bathroom to get ready for my last night in LA.

Half an hour later I was tucked up in bed, staring at the ceiling. "Thanks for the memories. I've had a blast but I know there is so much more out there waiting for me" I said into the darkness. I closed my eyes and fell asleep thinking about the first night I had spent here, eager to start my life in a huge city surrounded by a ton of great people.

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