Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

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Troye's POV

        As my alarm went off I flung the covers over my head in protest. Maybe if I hide it will think I left. Yeah Troye, that makes a lot of sense. But hey, what else would you expect at 8 in the morning? The ringing didn't subside so I shoved my fingers into my ears. The quiet was enough to lull me back to sleep, though it was a short lived slumber.

        "TROYE SIVAN!! Wake the hell up right now and turn that damn alarm off! How do you expect mama to get her beauty sleep with that annoying noise traveling through the wall?"

        I chose to ignore him too, hoping he would just give up. I thought my plan had worked until I felt a sudden weight on my body. "TYLAH!! Get off of me!" I yelled through the blankets.

        "Not until you agree that I am the most amazing person ever and turn your stupid alarm off!"

        I was silent for a second, seriously contemplating what to do. As I was suffocating I decided to just do as he asked. "FINE! You are the most amazing person ever and I will turn it off." It took a moment but finally I was free and I swiped my finger across the screen of my phone. "There, happy?" It came out a little snappy because I wasn't totally awake yet. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."

        "It's okay I understand. I am so not a morning person either." Tyler looked at me and smiled. Boy did he look cute, even in his current state which was an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. His hair seemed to have a mind of it's own, sticking out every which way. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him. "Oh, no reason. See you at our Troyler Q&Slay my little twink bottom!" he winked and then walked back to his room. That was weird. He hasn't called me twink bottom ever. Before he closed the door he gave me a wink. And not a normal one, a seductive one. Alright then, it's too early to over think these things.

        I got up, my body screaming at me the whole time to get back in bed. This was going to be a long day, but it would be worth it for sure. I had so many things planned: two panels, a meet and greet and finally the Troyler Q&A. 

        I took a shower (because no one likes a smelly Troye) and got dressed super cute. As I sat on my bed and picked up my phone I heard my stomach growl.  Oh shoot! I forgot about breakfast! I was about to order room service when I heard a knock at my door. I walked over and put my eye up to the peep hole (Don't worry I always look to make sure it isn't some creeper. I'm a safe boy I promise!) only to see a hotel worker with a cart of food.

       I cautiously opened the door and stood there, not knowing what to do. "Um, hi. You are either psychic or you have the wrong room. I'm going to assume the second is true." I was about to close the door when the woman spoke up, "Are you Troye Sivan?" I nodded my head yes. 

        She pulled something out of her pocket, making me even more confused. Until she began reading it. "Good morning Troye boy! I know you have a lot planned for today and I knew you would probably forget to order breakfast so I did it for you! Oh and don't worry, there's extra sausage. I know how much you like it! See you later and good luck! I love you! from your one and only Tilly" The lady's face turned bright red and she said no more as she took off towards the elevator.

        What the hell was that? I should have known Tyler would do something like this. Don't get me wrong it was super nice but extremely embarrassing. I pulled the cart into my room and devoured all the delicious food. Before I headed out the door for my first panel I texted Tyler. 

        Thanks for the yummy breakfast! You should have seen the girls face. Extra sausage? Really? It was amazing though so I can't complain. See you later Ty!!

A Book of Troyler (Oneshots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें