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Jesus Christ that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Lucy seriously put up a fight when I told her we were going away for the weekend and I stupidly didn't anticipate the tidal wave of anxiety that relentlessly crashed into her afterwards.

I think I managed to coax her back to dry land after a while, but now she seems exhausted by the constant current that was trying to pull her under.

With my job, and in my general nature, I tend to stay calm under pressure; the reliable reinforcement to handle whatever arises and be practical and level-headed in finding a solution.

I see what Lucy struggles with as no exception. She needs support, and that's what I'll be, but I'm not going to feed the beast that threatens to keep attacking.

Lola snores over the quiet hum of the radio and I glance over every now and then to see Lucy's hooded eyes, tracking the landscape as it whizzes by. My hand remains in hers until it's time to pull off the highway, returning to the wheel and following the robotic directions of the GPS.

Turning right, the car bounces as we drive over the threshold of Preston's parents' property, crossing from bitumen to dirt road and past the huge oak trees that guard the entrance.

The driveway is long, winding around the main house which is grander than I expected and scoops down between paddocks with wooden and stone fencing. The land slopes down, my vision of the house lost as we continue to drive towards the small stone cottage peeking out from trees.

Lola somehow registers that the terrain has changed, or maybe our speed, and I see in the corner of my eye, both her and Lucy sitting up with a little more attention.

Preston has mentioned this place a handful of times, and on his plight to get me and Sarah Cavanah together he suggested I take her away for the weekend out here.

He didn't ask who I was bringing with me when I sheepishly asked if I could use the house this weekend but his smug face let me know he thought it was Sarah.

I didn't correct him.

As the tyres crumple over twigs and dust below us, I'm hoping Preston got his parents to agree to what I begged him to do for me.

I see them before Lucy does and my heart flutters at the anticipation.

"Luce," I call her attention as I point towards the paddock opposite the cottage.

Her eyes double take and the tiny gasp that rushes into her lungs is so innocent that it forms a lump in my throat.

As if in disbelief she looks back at me for answers and I have to bite down on my bottom lip to contain the smile taking over my face.

"Horses!" She's giddy as she unbuckles her seat belt, climbing onto her knees and holding onto the headrest like a small child. "Oh my god, Harry! Look how pretty they are!"

Preston only raised an eyebrow when I asked him if his parents owned any horses and if they could put them in a paddock close to the cabin for the night.

Lucy's enthusiasm makes me laugh and my chest swells with pride in my achievement.

I park the car outside of the little house that Lucy now couldn't give a shit about and I try and gather her attention back to focus on me.

"Hey," I gently touch her chin with a hooked finger, just wanting to touch her. "Let's go put our shit inside first, okay?"

She drags her eyes reluctantly back to me and they are radiating light and life.

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