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Hunger wakes me up. 

With my stomach rumbling, I glance at the clock next to Lucy's bed. It's only 11 am, we've barely slept, but I feel more refreshed than I have in years.

Lucy is still asleep next to me, well, on top of me. Her arm and leg are hooked around me like a baby koala while I lay on my back and I smile at the memory of rolling around in these sheets with her all night.

We got up a few hours ago to feed Lola and call our respective workplaces. Lucy was so concerned about being caught lying that the story she made up was so elaborate and intricately detailed that it made me laugh out loud, almost giving the game away.

She then spent the next fifteen minutes in a state of panic, convincing herself that she was going to get fired and then, for some reason, it escalated into her believing she'll never work again.

I tried to calm her down but she locked herself in the bathroom for an hour after that, claiming she needed time alone and to do 'girl-things.'

When she finally reemerged she was happier, calmer. She had showered and washed her hair, her body was soft and she smelt of gardenia and coconut and summer holidays.

Through the night we had stripped each other down to our underwear, exploring as much skin as we could without going too far, too quickly. But as she crawled back into the bed with fresh white briefs on and a white cotton tank, her bra discarded and the shape of her nipples pushing through the fabric, I wasn't sure I could keep my hands to myself for much longer.

"You smell so good," I told her as she climbed in next to me, my hands already brushing up and down her leg.

"Mmm," she hummed, sleep lacing her voice. "You don't."

I laughed at her cheeky grin before pushing my lips into hers.

"Well, this is me, babe. Take it or leave it."

"I'll take it," she smiled.

"Thank god," I mumbled and we both fell back to sleep.

My stomach rumbles again and I look down at a sleeping Lucy who remains clung to my body. She's adamant that she isn't affectionate, but when her guard is down, when she is drunk or asleep, her body tells a different story.

This isn't the first time we have slept in the same bed together, but without the buffer of Lola, Lucy hugs me close instead.

It's dangerous, but I let my mind drift to her and Jake, wondering if this is what she was like when she was alone with him. 

Did he break down those barriers and become her safe place? 

Did she take comfort in his touch and hold him at night? 

Will he always be who she wishes was next to her instead of me?

I squeeze my eyes shut, willing my thoughts away; there's no point dwelling on the past and things I can't change.

Kissing the top of her head, I unwrap her arm from around my waist and slide down to rub my nose along hers, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

She stirs and I kiss her neck, her chin lifting to give me better access and I know she's awake.

"Morning," I croak, my hands slipping underneath her top to smooth up the warm skin of her back and she hums, her eyes still closed.

Her leg is still holding me close and I push my hips forward for some relief of where I've been aching over the last twelve hours.

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