Chapter 3: Optimus and Emily: Battle of Oakville

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Oakville, Canada


Oakville is a Canadian town near Toronto. The day continues as normal and people make their daily activities. In one of the houses in a quiet residential area, lives Emily, a young 21 year old girl with red hair falling over her shoulders, green eyes and a thin face. Before going to school, Emily logs onto her new computer that she got, to see if it has received messages. She reads the messages that his friends sent him, and she turned off before leaving. When she leaves the room and closes the door, her laptop computer turns into little autobot with big eyes. The robot listens to hear if she is still there, and it starts to look in the room.

(Brains): "I know that the Allspark is close to here. My sensors do not lie. I'll send a message to Optimus."

Brains begins to delve into the room without noises, trying to find the Allspark. In the living room, Emily is getting ready to turn off the television before going, but suddenly she sees something that catches her attention: a journalist said that strange objects are came from space there are few hours in the region, and they have the same appearance as those seen in France, there are two days. She also learns that after the landing of these objects, a French village called Soulaires has suffered an attack by an unknown enemy, but nothing more is said. Emily knows that Mathias, one of his foreign friends, lives in France and in this village, and she wonders if he knows something about that and if he's okay. Emily leaves her house and starts walking down the street toward the bus stop. What she does not know is that she is watched by Optimus Prime, who looks through binoculars high tech, from a hill several miles out of town. Optimus continued to watch her, and Ironhide arrives.

(Ironhide): "What do you see?"

(Optimus): "The human girl just out of her house. Brains send me a message to tell me that the Allspark is located in this city, near to her house."

The other Autobots arrive.

(Ratchet): "But why did you watch this girl?"

(Optimus): "I do not know ....... She has something different, I feel she is not like the other girls of this world."

(Jazz): What? You think it's a Decepticon disguised as a human? "

(Optimus): "No, no, she's just different for me. This is really a feeling I had never felt before. Strange."

The group focused on the mission and moves discreetly toward the city. Emily has a strange feeling and turns to look at the hill in the distance. She had the feeling of being watched, and felt a strange sensation at the same time. But yet she does not see anything at the top of the hill. The young girl is intrigued, but continues to walk. She gets on the bus and sits down at the bottom. When the bus starts, she turns her head one last time to the hill, always intrigued by the feeling she had.

(Emily):”It was really strange.”

Meanwhile, Optimus Prime's team is regrouped near the city in a hidden place from view humans. The Autobots await the orders of their leader.

(Optimus): "My brothers, the Allspark is somewhere in this city, but I have a hunch that the Decepticons know it too. The Allspark would be hidden in the area around the house of the young human girl I've seen."

(Sideswipe): "You think she knows where the Allspark is?"

(Optimus): "No, I doubt. The Allspark has been lost since millions of years, and after what I saw on the history of this planet, humans were not yet appeared at that time."

The others know that Optimus tells the truth, but however, the presence of the Allspark in this city, puts all residents in danger of death, and Optimus does not want that innocent people are victims of a war that is not theirs. Optimus keeps thinking about the girl he saw, and he wondered if he will see her, again. In high school, classes started. Emily sat at the back of the room listening and writing the course. But without knowing why, she continued to think about this strange feeling, it was as if she wanted to know more. Then, when she looks out the window of the classroom, she sees a group of vehicles passing before the high school: a blue and red truck with flame patterns, a black van, a yellow and red hummer, a gray Pontiac and a race car. When Emily looks to the truck with the flame patterns, she felt again the strange feeling in her heart, and the feeling of being watched by something she can not see. It's really strange, and the feeling disappears when the group of vehicles goes away.

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