Chapter 1: Arrival on Earth

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My name is Optimus Prime. I belong to a race of cybernetic creatures called Transformers, and I am also the leader of a clan, the Autobots, whose goal is to bring peace and freedom throughout the galaxy. One of the rules of our clan: never destroy a planet that is home of life. Unfortunately, this rule is not respected by our worst enemies: the Decepticons, whose power is matched only by their cruelty. They are led by Megatron, whom I regarded as my brother before, but now is my nemesis. There are very long, our clans were at war, and our planet, Cybertron, was destroyed by the conflict. We fought bravely, but the Decepticons were much more numerous and better armed than us. Many of our brothers and sisters died with honor. Me, and what remained of the Autobots, had to flee aboard a ship, taking with us a very powerful artifact that Megatron coveted above all: the Allspark, a cube-shaped object, capable of giving life to any machines and turn it into a weapon of war. But during our flight, the war ships of Megatron attacked us, and the capsule or was the cube was ejected by an explosion, and lost in space. For hundreds of years, me and mine have wander through space in search of the Allspark, hoping that the Decepticons are not found our trace. And one day, we located it.....

Historically, humans have always believed to being the masters of the universe, there was no other life in space. Well, mankind would soon discover, at his expense, that this was completely wrong.

On Mars, the Autobots have sought refuge for several months now. They installed a small base on the planet, to observe the human world: earth, there or the Allspark was located. In a small room of the base, Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, stands and looks through a huge window, and sees the earth away without saying a word. The robot is thoughtful, and sighs. Then he hears the door open and turned to see who it is. Another autobot, smaller, blue, and which rolls on a wheel. Her name is Chromia, and she is a female Autobot. She walks and respectfully salutes Optimus, who also salutes her.

(Optimus): "I was expecting you Chromia. What say the reports from our radar?"

(Chromia): "We managed to locate the Allspark. It is located in a country called Canada, in a town, Oakville."

(Optimus): "Good. And where is the key to the trunk of the Allspark? You know that if we do not find this key, it is impossible to access the data of the cube."

(Chromia): "I know, and we also located it. The key is in another country, France, in a small village called Soulaires."

(Optimus): "The key and the cube were surely separated when they entered the Earth's atmosphere. This is a chance that humans do not have discovered them."

Chromia nods slowly, but Optimus seems worried and looks at the earth again, with a pensive look, almost worried. Chromia feels it.

(Chromia): "Are you alright, Optimus?"

(Optimus): "Yes, it's just that if we managed to find the Allspark, it will not take long to Megatron and his minions to find it too. Chromia, this planet, the earth, is inhabited, and because of us, this planet and all his people are all in danger."

(Chromia): "What should we do?"

(Optimus): "Let us form two teams to find the cube and the key. There's no time to lose."

Chromia follows Optimus out of the room. In the hangar of the base, all the Autobots gathered at the request of their leader. Optimus and Chromia arrive in the hangar, in front of their brothers and sisters, waiting for orders.

(Optimus): "Autobots, the cube and the key were located. They are in two different places of the earth, we're going to form two teams to find them."

(Arcee): "But I have heard that the inhabitants of the earth, humans, are a violent people, and they never let us approach their planet."

(Ironhide): "If they try, I sprayed them with my guns."

(Chromia): "Ironhide, we are not here to start a war, but to prevent it."

(Optimus): "Chromia is right. But we have no other choice. With any luck, humans will think it's a rain of meteorites. But we must go on earth, this is our only solution. As you know, our spies, Wheelie and Brains, are already on the earth, in the localized areas. They monitor the site for our arrival. But we must hurry, I feel that the Decepticons are not far off. So, let's go, Autobots! "

All Autobots push their war cry and prepare to go on the earth. The first team is formed: Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz and Sideswipe, to go retrieve the Allspark, to the Canada. Then Optimus turns to Chromia, and puts his hand on her shoulder to talk to her.

(Optimus): "Chromia, I entrust you the command of the second team to find the key."

(Chromia): "I'll do my best not to disappoint you."

(Optimus): "I know you will not disappoint me, I trust in you."

The second team consists of: Chromia, Arcee, Flareup, Bumblebee and Mirage, to go in France and get the key. When teams are formed, the Autobots all fly in space and start flying towards the earth. The teams split up and head to their respective coordinates. The mission to save the universe began. While the Autobots go to the earth, at thousands of miles into space, a giant Decepticon ship moving slowly towards the ground. Inside of the ship, Megatron receives the coordinates of one of his spy’s radars, and when he sees the results, he smirks cruelly.

(Megatron): "That's it, I finally located the Allspark, and the Autobots are there too. Perfect, I will finish what I started."

The leader of the Decepticons then draws on an integrated button on his throne of metal.

(Megatron): "Decepticons, listen to me. We have the coordinates of the Allspark and its key. Begin to send the troops to retrieve them, and destroy all those who try to stop you."

After this message, Megatron sits in his seat, and contemplates space, with a sadistic smile and cruel sneers.


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