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    brett's alarm clock woke eddy up much earlier than he'd like. he groaned and slammed his hand down on the button, running his hand through his hair and looking around to remember where he was. he sat up and sighed deeply, leaning over and peeking out the door to see if brett was awake. there was no movement on the couch and the top of brett's head was the only part of him visible. eddy sighed. he was going to have to wake him up.

    waking people up had never been something eddy was good at. he always felt like he was going to get smacked. trying to be as quiet as possible, eddy walked to the couch. brett was wrapped up completely in his blanket, his mouth half open and his hair in his eyes. eddy couldn't help but smile as he looked at him.

"hey, brett," he said quietly, shaking his shoulder gently. brett opened his eyes and inhaled deeply, squinting at eddy.

"huh?" he said, rubbing his eyes. eddy thought about how cute he looked for a split second before shaking it out of his head.

"your alarm went off. i figured i should wake you," eddy said softly. brett frowned and checked the time on his phone. he rolled his eyes and wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, standing up.

    "shower," he mumbled and went to his bedroom, grabbing clothes for himself and heading towards the bathroom. he stopped once he reached the door and turned to face eddy.

"eat whatever you want," he said simply before turning back around and walking into the bathroom, quietly shutting the door behind him. eddy stared at the door for a moment or two, shaking his head as images of what brett was doing behind it popped into his mind.

there was no way eddy was going to eat any of brett's food. he felt like that would be rude, and, besides that, he wasn't too hungry yet anyways. it was almost 6 am and they didn't have to be at rehearsal until 8. eddy usually woke himself up at 7:30. he shrugged and walked back to brett's bedroom, crawling back under the warm blankets and closing his eyes.

brett got out of the shower and walked into his bedroom, raising his eyebrows when he saw eddy asleep in his bed. a small smile tugged at his lips and he sat down next to him, playing on his phone as he always did in the mornings.

brett was completely caught by surprise when eddy adjusted himself and slung his arm over his leg. his face heated up at the simple touch and he stared down at the boy in his bed for a moment, not knowing what to do. he especially didn't know what to do when eddy moved again, laying his head in brett's lap.

he did the only thing he ever did when something weird happened. he called jamie.

"bretty! to what do i owe this pleasure at 6:03 in the morning?" he answered happily.

"i got out of the shower and eddy was asleep in my bed. which is fine. but i sat down next to him and now his head is in my lap and i don't know what to do about it," brett whispered, covering his mouth in hopes that eddy wouldn't hear. jamie laughed loudly.

"haven't you known this dude for, like, three days? i think this is a new record for you, sweetheart," he chuckled. brett rolled his eyes.

"he's not gay, jamie. he has a girlfriend, remember?"

"isn't she the one who broke his fucking bow in half? doesn't sound like a very stable relationship to me, babylove. you have to get in there. be like a home wrecker, but you're wrecking something that's already wrecked itself. suck his dick or something," jamie suggested. brett nearly choked.

"it doesn't work like that, you ass," brett hissed. eddy rolled over and scooted closer to brett. the smaller boy's cheeks reddened and he sighed.

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