The Diner

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AN: I hope this chapter is okay. It's the longest one I've done!
I'm still contemplating what to do with Emmett and Edward. There is a tiny bit of steaminess but nothing too hot just yet. Soon.
Bella's POV
Bella nervously played with the end of her hair between her fingers. She was currently waiting by Rosalie's car, she had no idea what model it was but it was a fast one. Thats for sure.
Bella started to do absentminded imaginary doodles on the cars bonnet.
"It's a 2015 Nissan GT-R. A gift from Emmett, my brother. I prefer building up my own, a hybrid if you will but she's a good car."
Bella leaped up a bit, not expecting to have Rosalie appear out of no where,
"You gave me such a fright!" Bella clutched at her chest, albeit a bit dramatically.
Rosalie stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Bella and kissed her forehead,
"I'm sorry love. Edward and Alice cornered me to discuss something, I tried to dismiss them but Alice is a stubborn little thing."
"It's okay. I understand." Bella leaned into the hug, not used to physical affection all that much. Her mom and dad weren't exactly overly affectionate.
"We can go to the local diner and grab a coffee. My treat." Rosalie said letting me go much to my displeasure and opening my door for me to get in.
The drive to the the diner was filled with me asking my dad if it was cool that I went with Rose and he sounded ecstatic that I had made a friend so quickly and to be honest, shocked as well.
I wasn't sure if I was offended or wanted to laugh.
We arrived at the diner and the waitress showed us to our booth. I ordered a black coffee with no creamer and Rose ordered a glass of water.
I looked at her strangely but she explained her stomach was feeling a bit unsettled so she'd rather not chance it.
Rosalie's POV
"So tell me, why did you decide to come live with your dad? Although I'm very happy you did." Rosalie smiled at Bella, who was sipping on her hot beverage.
"My mom moved myself and her when I was 6 months old to Arizona to live with her parents.
My mom and dad married too young. And when I was 10, my mom got remarried. The last few years have been tough financially. Dad sent child support , more then he had to but it wasn't enough. Especially considering mom is a waitress and the pay isn't great at all and my step dad, Phil is a minor league baseball player.", Bella took a breath before carrying on,
"Don't get me wrong we had food on the table and rent was mostly paid but I thought it would put less strain on their marriage if I moved in with my dad. And I missed him. I want a good relationship with him." Bella mumbled it , seeming lost in thought.
"That's incredibly selfless of you. Well, I know we've recently met although it feels like I've known you forever but I will help you wherever you need me too. I'm not trying to be egotistical but my family and I have more money than we know what to do with it, so if you ever need anything Bella, anything at all, tell me and its yours." Rosalie said while holding Bella's hand gently.
Bella flushed. She was slightly humiliated , hoping Rosalie didn't think she was some charity case.
"I dont need handouts. I'm grateful Rosalie, but I'm not a charity case." Bella mumbled while removing her hand from Rosalie's.
Rosalie grimaced at the idea of Bella thinking she was insinuating that she was some charity case.
How could she explain to her mate that it was her job, her duty to love and support her. Whether that be emotionally, physically or financially.
"You are NOT a charity case. You dont understand it now but it's my job to support you, Bella. I will explain it soon but just trust me Bella. If I have the power to help you, I will. Always."
Bella cringed at the intensity of it all but felt warmed that Rosalie cared for her this much so soon.
But she wouldn't be taking any money from Roaslie and her family.
"Thank you Rose. But I dont need money from anyone but if I'm in dire straits I will ask you for help but you have to promise to let me pay it back." Bella stated seriously.
Rosalie knew she would never take the money back, she'd probably invest it in Bella's name with interest. She could use the money for whatever she wished when it paid out.
"Fair enough." Rosalie smirked at her.
"So tell me about your family." Bella asked her hesitanly.
"I was adopted by Carlisle and Esme Cullen a few years ago, my past isn't a pretty one at all, Bella and I eventually will get into but right now I dont think it's the time. As for my siblings, they were also adopted by them but their stories are all for them to tell though." Rosalie said, sounding a bit tense.
I would have to tell Bella that I was a vampire first in order to even try and explain my grim past. It would be a heavy conversation but it would be one that would have to be done.
"Oh I understand. You can tell me whenever you're ready, Rose." Bella grabbed Rosalie's hand.
Rosalie looked at Bella fondly, this woman was too precious. Heart as big as the ocean.
"Thank you, my love."
Bella was such a good mate.
Bella's POV
It was already 4:15, Bella would have to be home soon to make dinner for Charlie and herself.
Rosalie must have sensed this,
"We better be getting you home soon. I was wondering would it be okay if I picked you up and dropped you off each day. It would give us time together."
"If I won't be an inconvenience to you at all. That would be great, thanks Rose." Bella blushed and smiled at Rosalie.
"You would never be an inconvenience to me."
Rosalie's car arrived outside Bella's and came to a stop.
Bella looked at Rosalie to thank her, but her eyes fell to her lips and an overwhelming urge came over her to kiss those lips. They were full and rosy, she needed them on hers.
"Kiss me." Bella blurted, her heart beating out her chest with nerves.
Rosalie had a look of surprise on her face, never expecting that from her little mate.
Bella took her silence as rejection and looked down, tears filling her eyes.
Of course Rosalie wouldn't want to kiss her. She wasn't desirable. She was a plain Jane. Brown dull, hair and boring brown eyes. A skinny figure, barely any curves.
Bella felt her seatbelt being undone and hands on her hips, Rosalie picked her up and placed Bella on her lap.
She lifted Bella's face, leant forward and placed her lips at the corner of Bella's mouth. Teasing her, making Bella want her even more, Bella whimpered with need.
"Of course I will my little one."
And then it was pure ecstasy. Heaven.
Rosalie's hands were on Bella's hips, just under her shirt, pressing her against her chest.
Her lips felt like a dream. Bella had nothing to compare it to but to her, it was everything.
Bella must have moaned in the kiss because Rosalie growled and nipped at her lips, her hands rising up furtherfrom her hips to just below her breasts.
Bella felt goosebumps rise on her skin, not sure if it was from them making out it the fact that Rosalie's hands felt like ice. It cooled her flushed skin. She wanted more, needed it.
She keened loudly. It was too much but not enough.
Rosalie pulled away and Bella tried to chase after her lips with her own but to no avail.
"My love, you are perfection. But we have to stop, If we dont, I won't be able to control myself."
Bella flushed. She just had her first kiss and it was perfect. Everything she wanted.
She looked at her watch and saw it was nearing the time Charlie arrived home, she definitely didn't want her dad to find her in her girlfriend lap making out.
"I'm going to miss you." Bella mumbled.
"Leave your window open."
"I will."
She wasn't about to ask questions if it meant her girlfriend would be in her room tonight.
She rushed inside to make dinner and get ready for Rosalie's arrival.
She really hoped there would be more kissing.
AN: I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! I enjoyed writing this. I can't wait to delve into Rosalie's past. It's a bit similar to the book but not entirely.
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Insta: savannatayla_art

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